Thursday, December 1, 2016

Carmen has computed that her average tax rate is​ 16% and her marginal tax rate is​ 25% for the current year. She is considering whether to make a charitable contribution

Why was pay-as-you-go withholding needed in 1943?

The governor of your state stated in a recent political speech that he has never supported any income tax increases as the tax rates have remained at the same level during his entire term of office. Yet, you believe that you are paying more tax this year than in previous years even though your income has not increased. How can both you and the governor be correct? In other words, is it possible for the government to raise taxes without raising tax rates?

Carmen has computed that her average tax rate is 16% and her marginal tax rate is 25% for the current year. She is considering whether to make a charitable contribution to her church before the end of the tax year. Which tax rate is of greater significance in measuring the tax effect for her decision? Explain.

Indicate which of the following taxes are generally progressive, proportional, or regressive:

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