Monday, January 2, 2017

Congress amended the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to conform to the Anti-Bribery Convention adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The primary purpose of criminal law is to compensate a victim. 
Commission of the offense of grand larceny involves the theft of larger items as opposed to smaller items that can be hidden, for example, in a purse. 
Under our criminal laws that exist today, white-collar crime is not punishable by imprisonment. 
Congress amended the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to conform to the Anti-Bribery Convention adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 
Mail fraud is a federal crime. 
Embezzlement is distinguished from larceny because in embezzlement the individual does not take the property from another and is already in possession of the property. 
China punishes embezzlement and bank fraud less severely than the U.S. 
Under the common law, a corporation could not be considered a criminal because it was not an actual person and, thus, did not have a mind. 
Under current law, corporations cannot be held criminally accountable for strict-liability offenses. 
A person who is considered an infant under the law cannot be tried as an adult under any circumstances. 
The test used to establish one's mental state when insanity is claimed is the same regardless of the jurisdiction involved. 
The court in U.S. v. Gerson Cohen ruled that a person accused of mail fraud must place particular documents into the U.S. mail himself or herself in order to be convicted of that offense. 

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