Monday, October 12, 2015

Macro. Chapter 12 【Production and Growth】

1. Economic growth around the world
The following table reports real GDP per person for several different economies in the years 1960 and 2010. It also gives each

2. Growth experiences
Small differences in the rate of economic growth can lead to large differences in living standards. Consider two countries,
calculator online: 
formula:  #*(1+g)^100

3. The determinants of productivity
Consider a simple economy whose only industry is fishing. In this industry, productivity -the amount of goods and services

4. Productivity and growth policies
Consider a small island country whose only industry is weaving. The following table shows information about the small economy in two

5. The catch-up effect
Consider the economies of Blahnik and Tralfamadore, both of which produce glops of gloop using only tools and workers. Suppose

6. Economic growth and public policy
Suppose an America buys stock issued by an Argentinian corporation. The ...Suppose Yamahonda, a Japanese-owned motorcycle manufacturer, builds a ...Suppose a wealthy French citizen buys $2 million worth of stock issued by an ..

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