Thursday, October 17, 2013

Social issues of ego and corporate pride played a key role in the falling apart of PointCast negotiations.

1. Social issues of ego and corporate pride played a key role in the falling apart of PointCast negotiations.

2. Managing conflict and engaging in effective negotiations are key factors for a successful organization.

3. Conflict management and negotiation tactics are art, not skills, and are very difficult to learn.

4. Intrapersonal conflict can arise due to role ambiguity and role conflict.

5. Interpersonal conflicts should be centered around individual differences, not ideas, to avoid conflict escalation.

6. Conflict in an organization is always bad.

7. If conflict in an organization is too low, performance is also likely low.

8. Personal conflicts can be good in certain circumstances, but task conflicts are never good.

9. Research on effective teams indicates that they are characterized by low but increasing levels of process conflict.

10. Research on effective teams indicates that they are characterized by low but increasing levels of task conflict.

11. Matrix-structured organizations often experience decisional conflict because each manager reports to two bosses.

12. Task independence is a root cause of much conflict in the organization.

13. Conflict can result in both positive and negative outcomes.

14. Conflict can be dysfunctional if it involves personal attacks.

15. A high-risk situation where workplace violence has an increased risk is being a bank teller.

16. If your job involves caring for others in a nursing home, you have an increased risk of experiencing workplace violence.

17. If the conflict in your workplace is between two individuals on a team, a good way to manage the conflict is to take a majority vote among other team members to determine who is right.

18. The avoidance conflict handling style is characterized by high levels of cooperativeness and assertiveness.

19. An individual who deals with conflict by saying, “Maybe we can both agree to give in a little,” has an accommodating conflict handling style.

20. Competition is an effective conflict handling style if the alternatives proposed are unethical.

21. The strategy to utilize to achieve the best outcome from conflict is the collaborating style.

22. Research suggests that when it comes to dealing with conflict, managers are more likely to engage in avoiding, accommodating or compromising styles than their subordinates.

23. The key to keeping conflict or disagreement healthy in an organization is to focus the discussion on the task, not the personalities.

24. Healthy conflict can be stimulated in a firm by having appointed individuals play “devil’s advocate.”

25. The BATNA phase of the negotiation process should be ignored.

26. The first place to begin the investigation phase of negotiation is to look at yourself.

27. The party with the best alternative to a negotiated agreement is in the best negotiating position.

28. Making a concession during negotiation is a sign of weakness.

29. The closure phase of the negotiation process may include finding a final offer that is unacceptable and from which the party has walked away.

30. The integrative approach is a new creative approach to negotiation that can lead to a “win-win” situation.

31. It is a perfectly acceptable business practice to attempt to negotiate a higher salary with your boss.

32. A common mistake women make is failing to negotiate their salary offers.

33. Those with unreasonable expectations in negotiations are no more likely to fail at negotiations than those with reasonable expectations.

34. Mediation is the process of bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and make a binding decision in the conflict situation.

35. The arbitration-mediation approach had led to voluntary agreements in a greater percentage of situations than the more common mediation-arbitration approach.

36. If your negotiating counterpart feels you are unfair or dishonest, he or she is less likely to make concessions.

37. The platinum rule of negotiations is to care for others enough to treat them the way they want to be treated and long-term relationships will be established.

38. Americans have a higher tolerance for conflict as a way of working through issues than their Japanese counterparts.

39. Japanese negotiators learn information from what is not said as well as what is said that is then used in negotiations.

40. Western cultures view negotiations as a social activity while their Eastern culture counterparts view it as a business activity.

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