Thursday, October 17, 2013

You are a Walt Disney Company management trainee. The first three months of your job you will be working in the restaurant

1. The Nucor Steel Company’s incentive system penalizes low performers, but sets no upper limit on the amount high performers can earn annually.

2. Evidence of the success of Nucor Steel is the low turnover rate and nonunion status of the firm.

3. Nucor Steel’s formula for success is to centralize decision making and rigidly define employee and manager job duties.

4. Leaving employees free to choose job performance methods is an important element of scientific management techniques.

5. Job specialization entails breaking down jobs into their simplest components.

6. Job enlargement involves moving employees from job to job at different intervals.

7. You are a Walt Disney Company management trainee. The first three months of your job you will be working in the restaurant and hospitality area. The next three months you will be in the merchandising area, followed by three months in lodging and finally, three months in park operations. The Walt Disney management trainee program is designed using the job rotation philosophy.

8. In a supermarket study, cashiers rotated through different departments have lower stress levels and less pain in necks and shoulders.

9. Research shows that the psychological state of meaningfulness is the most important such state for employee attitudes and behaviors.

10. The job characteristics model is an attempt to design jobs for increased motivational potential.

11. Skill variety and task significance are the most important elements in deciding motivational potential.

12. Access to information is a key factor in empowering employees.

13. Goal commitment is higher when employees have trust-based relationships with managers.

14. Goal setting is one of the most influential and practical theories of motivation.

15. The most effective goals are easy ones.

16. The performance appraisal meeting is the most important component of a performance appraisal.

17. In the most effective performance appraisal meetings, criticism of the individual personality traits is very important.

18. Quality expert Edward Deming advocates abolishing performance appraisals in the workplace.

19. Adequate notice ensures that there is two-way communication during the performance appraisal process.

20. Relative ranking appraisals may help an organization become more performance-oriented if they are used for a few years because they tend to weed out employees with persistent performance problems.

21. To increase the effectiveness of performance meetings, increase employee participation.

22. Attractive women are rated lower if they are employed in nonmanagement jobs and higher if they are in management jobs.

23. Leniency bias makes it harder for employees to change their behaviors.

24. Merit pay is a permanent pay raise based on past performance.

25. In a pay system based upon commission, rewarding only sales volume can lead salesmen to heavily discount merchandise.

26. The notion of using incentives to increase performance is a very old idea, actually going back to the time of Napoleon.

27. Gift cards as awards to employees are not appreciated because they are often purchased for stores and restaurants that employees do not frequent.

28. The use of stock options remains a popular incentive technique in start-up organizations.

29. Even though goal setting is a good motivational tool, there is strong evidence that goal setting can also lead to unethical behavior.

30. One technique to reduce the likelihood of unethical behavior resulting from goal setting is to create multiple levels of goals and distribute rewards according to the goals achieved rather than rewarding only those who reach the highest goal and not giving anything to anyone else, including those who were very close to that high goal.

31. Indian employees are more satisfied when they are empowered in the workplace than their counterparts in the United States or Poland.

32. Chinese employees are more motivated than American employees when the goals set for them are very difficult.

33. Countries high in power distance respond positively to appraisal systems where lower level employees give feedback to their managers.

34. Research in Western countries suggests that empowerment is an effective tool to motivate employees.

35. In China, goals high in specificity are more motivational in contrast to the low specificity goals preferred by employees in Western cultures, including the United States.

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