Thursday, October 17, 2013

Firms like Apple are interested in how products are perceived emotionally because strong positive emotions make individuals more likely to use a product

1. There are a variety of ways to lessen stress in the workplace.

2. Stress, or the body’s response to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response, is always bad for the individual.

3. Eighty percent of all American workers report they feel workplace stress at least some of the time.

4. The amygdala section of the brain is responsible for stimulating fear responses.

5. The human brain responds to outside threats to individual safety with a “fight or flight” message.

6. The General Adaptation Syndrome looks at how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different kinds of emotions.

7. In the resistance phase of stress, an outside stressor jolts an individual insisting that something must be done.

8. John’s company downsized, and John is now performing his own job plus most of his former coworker Sidney’s job. John is now experiencing role ambiguity.

9. Role conflict is a result of contradictory demands at work.

10. Role conflict is the strongest predictor of poor performance on the job.

11. Information overload negatively impacts employee efficiency and creativity.

12. Health magazine survey indicates that the most stressful job in 2008 was that of police officer.

13. Overall, work-family conflict is more problematic for men than women.

14. On the Holmes-Rahe scale, the most stressful life event is the death of a spouse.

15. Eustress is “good” stress.

16. Downsizing or the expectation of downsizing is related to greater absence in the workforce.

17. The outcomes of stress are only psychological in their orientation.

18. Blemishes and other skin problems can be outward manifestations of stress.

19. The link between stress and heart disease has been proven by the American Heart Association to be strong.

20. Persistent stress has the potential to place vulnerable individuals at an increased risk for depression.

21. Research shows that excessive stress is related to higher turnover and lower job performance.

22. Marissa is generally a few minutes late for class. She feels that “class will be there, why rush?” Marissa always thinks through how to address problems that arise for her rather than responding first and thinking later. Marissa has a Type A personality.

23. Men rely upon stronger social networks to address stressful situations, so men are more likely to be depressed than women.

24. The old adage “Have a good cry” is great advice to deal with stress that has built up in an individual.

25. The “Corporate Athlete” approach to dealing with stress is a reactive approach.

26. Flow is the state of consciousness where individuals are totally absorbed in an activity.

27. Fish contains dopamine, which can increase a person’s brain functions and thus produce feelings of alertness.

28. Physically active work breaks lead to reduced mental concentration levels and increased mental fatigue.

29. Most American adults get the appropriate amount of sleep each night.

30. Individuals with a strong social network are more stressed than individuals who do not have such networks because of the increased interpersonal demands of large social networks.

31. Stress-related issues cost companies billions of dollars annually due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and accidents.

32. Organizations can help employees reduce stress by offering them greater autonomy in their jobs, making their job duties clear, and providing employee assistance programs.

33. Firms like Apple are interested in how products are perceived emotionally because strong positive emotions make individuals more likely to use a product and recommend it to others.

34. Both positive and negative emotions can be contagious, but the spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than negative ones.

35. According to Affective Events Theory, the six emotions of anger, fear, joy, love, sadness and surprise inspire actions that can benefit or harm others.

36. The customer service representative at the department store who keeps smiling as she listens to the customer bitterly complain about her newly purchased product is engaging in deep acting.

37. Americans enjoy much greater leisure time than their European counterparts.

38. Recognizing that customers’ negative emotions were eroding sales representatives’ morale, American Express used emotional resonance to identify employees’ feelings about their work.

39. American Express’ emotional awareness training program probably raised overall life insurance sales because sales representatives began to view their jobs from the customer’s viewpoint.

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