Thursday, October 17, 2013

In the 1980s, General Electric showed that empowering workers to work in teams can be a profitable venture.

1. In the 1980s, General Electric showed that empowering workers to work in teams can be a profitable venture.

2. A group is a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve mutual goals while a team is a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person’s actions have an impact on another’s.

3. Tuckman’s Group Development Stage Model sequences group evolution in the following order:  forming to norming to storming to performing.

4. The forming stage of group development involves member examination of such questions as “What will my role be?” and “Will I be accepted?

5. The appointed leader is often tested during the performing phase of group development.

6. Because the storming stage is a very chaotic one, many groups get stuck in that phase of group development.

7. The norming stage of group development involves the establishment of ground rules for the group and an increased commitment to other members and the group goal.

8. The performing stage of group development involves attention to work content and process.

9. The adjourning stage of groups is seldom met with any emotional feelings or concern.

10. The punctuated equilibrium model proposed by Connie Gersick is a linear model.

11. The punctuated equilibrium model suggests that groups remain static for long periods of time experiencing only incremental change and radical, revolutionary change occurs in brief, punctuated bursts that provide opportunity for innovation.

12. Generally speaking, the more cohesive a group is, the less productive it is because the preservation of individual feelings supersedes any task oriented role.

13. The more similar group members are with regard to age, gender, education, and skill set, the more cohesive the group will be.

14. Groupthink is the tendency for individuals to put forth less effort when working in a group context.

15. Groups with high group cohesion and high task commitment generally have high performance.

16. Collective efficacy is generally influenced by verbal persuasion, group observation, and pay level.

17. Process loss is any aspect of group interaction that inhibits group functioning.

18. The key properties of a true team are collaborative action, sacrifice for the common good, and compensation based upon individual outcomes.

19. Research evidence exists to demonstrate that teams can reduce labor costs, increase product quality, and raise revenues.

20. If a variety of knowledge, skills, and abilities is needed, if feedback from different organizational groups is needed, if tasks are largely independent, and if wide cooperation is needed to achieve mutual goals, then a team is needed.

21. Idea generation tasks include coming up with plans for actions and making decisions.

22. Pooled interdependence is when team members work independently and combine their efforts to create the team’s output.

23. Reciprocal interdependence exists when team members work on tasks simultaneously.

24. Task roles in a group include consul, cooperator, and completer.

25. Social roles in a group or team include cooperator, communicator, and calibrator.

26. A task force is a temporary team charged with addressing a specific problem or issue until it is resolved.

27. Virtual teams represent special management challenges because of issues related to trust and communication.

28. A firm’s top management team often represents a variety of functional areas.

29. Succession planning is the identification of future members of a top management team.

30. Empowered teams have the responsibility and authority to achieve their goals.

31. The difference between a self-managed and self-directed team is that the leader in the self-managed team has less decision-making responsibility.

32. As a rule of thumb, a good size for a team is between two and twenty members.

33. The more diverse a team is with regard to expertise, gender, age, and background, the more likely the team is to avoid groupthink.

34. Norms are shared expectations about how things operate within a group or team.

35. An effective way of dealing with overbearing behavior is to evaluate the balance of participation by team members.

36. When team members are found to be poor performers due to a lack of ability, the team is likely to try and train the individual.

37. Research suggests that sometimes replacing a hierarchy with self-managing teams decreases control over individual workers.

38. Collectivist societies value individual achievements over interpersonal relationships.

39. People in high power distance countries expect unequal power distribution and greater stratification in economic, social, and political settings.

40. The meaning of teamwork differs across cultures.

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