Thursday, October 17, 2013

When intelligence is measured with a paper and pencil test, its relationship to leadership is a bit weaker than when intelligence


1. Leaders do not need to rely on the use of force to influence people.

2. A formal leader is one who holds a position of authority and may utilize the power that comes from that position as well as personal power to influence others.

3. When intelligence is measured with a paper and pencil test, its relationship to leadership is a bit weaker than when intelligence is viewed as the perceived intelligence of the leader.

4. Emotional intelligence helps an individual attain the management ranks, but once there, mental intelligence becomes important.

5. All effective leaders are extraverts.

6. The only trait of the Big 5 personality traits that is related to leadership emergence or leader effectiveness is conscientiousness.

7. There is no relationship between height and being viewed as a leader.

8. Three key traits associated with leadership are: integrity, conscientiousness and introversion.

9. Agreeable people who are modest, good-natured and avoid conflict are less likely to be perceived as leaders.

10. A key finding from research completed on traits is that all traits are not equally effective in predicting leadership potential.

11. Research supports the argument that demonstrating both initiating structure and consideration makes leaders more effective.

12. Initiating structure involves structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them instructions, and behaving in ways to increase the group’s performance.

13. Authoritarian decision makers make decisions alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision making process.

14. Research suggests that the democratic decision-making style helps satisfy employees and improves decision quality.

15. Laissez-faire leaders create high levels of ambiguity about job expectations for their employees and thus lower employee satisfaction.

16. If you have a low least preferred coworker rating, it means that you have a people-oriented personality and are able to separate your liking of a person from your ability to work with that person.

17. Fiedler’s contingency theory suggests different people can be effective in different situations.

18. Research supports Fiedler’s predictions about when low LPC leadership should be used.

19. House’s path-goal theory is based on equity theory.

20. Path-goal theory predicts that the type of leader behavior effective under different circumstances will depend on the characteristics of the employee and the work environment.

21. A supportive leadership style works best when there is high role ambiguity for employees, they have low abilities, and they have an external locus of control.

22. When employees have high abilities and high achievement motivation, the directive leadership style is best.

23. In House’s path-goal theory, the leader’s style is viewed as fixed and the environment changes; Fiedler’s theory assumes just the opposite.

24. Research suggests that on average, the leadership style recommended by Vroom and Yetton’s decision tree model tends to make more effective decisions compared to leaders using a style not recommended.

25. Transformational leaders use charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration to influence individuals and create commitment to company goals.

26. Passive management by exception involves leaving employees alone and waiting until something goes wrong before entering the picture.

27. Transactional leadership is a more effective form than transformational leadership.

28. The key factor in making transformational leadership more effective is extraversion.

29. Charisma is an inherent characteristic, so those firms attempting to teach charisma, are not making good use of their time or money.

30. Individuals with high LMX receive higher levels of resources than those with a low LMX relationship.

31. All employees want a high-quality relationship with their manager.

32. Servant leaders put their employees first.

33. Authentic leaders are self-aware, introspective, and have thorough understanding of their own values.

34. People in positions of authority are influential in driving people to ethical behaviors but not unethical behaviors.

35. The global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness project found, thus far, that there are no universal traits that are desirable or undesirable in a leader.

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