Thursday, October 17, 2013

Toyota employees feel a sense of ownership in their company, which is supported by the firm’s matrix structure.


1. Toyota employees feel a sense of ownership in their company, which is supported by the firm’s matrix structure.

2. Toyota employees are expected to be experts in what they do.

3. Toyota uses a system of continuous improvement and learning.

4. Just-in-time production leads to antagonistic relations between Toyota and its suppliers.

5. Decentralization is the concentration of decision making at higher levels in the organization.

6. Employees feel that decentralized organizations provide greater levels of procedural fairness.

7. If a firm is operating in a stable environment, the centralized organizational structure may lead to the most efficient operations.

8. A unionized firm has very formalized structures.

9. A formalized structure leads to faster decision making.

10. Tall structures have wider span of control than flat structures.

11. Flat structures are better at satisfying employee self-actualization needs while tall structures are better at satisfying employee security needs.

12. In divisional structures, employees tend to be more specialists than generalists.

13. Functional structures are most effective for companies with large product lines.

14. Employees working in dynamic environments depend on their general mental abilities for good performance.

15. Organic structures are highly formalized and centralized.

16. The biggest advantage of a mechanistic structure, especially in a stable environment, is its efficiency.

17. Organic structures are related to higher levels of job satisfaction.

18. Matrix organizations violate the unity of command principle.

19. Conflict at various levels is a potential issue for matrix organizations.

20. A strategic alliance is a type of boundaryless organization where all nonessential functions are outsourced.

21. A learning organization is one where acquiring knowledge and changing behavior as a result of the newly acquired knowledge is part of the organization’s design.

22. Organizational change can be either radical or incremental.

23. Moore’s law says the overall complexity of computer circuits will double every 18 months with no increase in costs, so firms will rapidly change their technology.

24. While manufacturing jobs have been outsourced, knowledge-based jobs are safe from outsourcing.

25. Change is more likely to occur in firms that are performing poorly because successful firms keep doing what they have done to make them successful.

26. Surveys indicate that resistance to change is one of the top two reasons why change efforts within organizations fail.

27. Passive resistance refers to sabotaging the change effort and being outspoken about the negative effects of change.

28. When people react to organizational change negatively, they are absent more often and are more likely to voluntarily leave the company.

29. Employees with a positive self-concept are better at coping with change.

30. Those employees who feel they can perform well under a new system will be more committed to change.

31. People do not welcome change whether it is favorable or not to them.

32. Resistance to change is never a positive force for an organization.

33. The first stage in Lewin’s Model of planned change is unfreezing.

34. Employees with more complete information are no more committed to the change effort than those who have less than complete information.

35. Convincing the opinion leaders in your organization of the need for organizational change is a more successful technique to ensure change than trying to get everyone on board at the same time.

36. During the change efforts, the organization should focus on big wins to demonstrate the success of the effort.

37. Cultures low in uncertainty avoidance are comfortable with change.

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