Friday, November 15, 2019

A fashion designer who creates pieces for a large fashion house for a New York or Paris runway show has

Which of the following describes the elements of the Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model?
a. Three psychological states lead to five core job characteristics which lead to five outcomes.
b. Five core job characteristics lead to five outcomes which produce three psychological states.
c. Five core job characteristics lead to three psychological states which lead to five outcomes.
d. Three psychological states lead to five outcomes which are analyzed for five core job characteristics.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

65. Which of the following psychological states is the most important for employee attitudes and behaviors?
a. responsibility
b. knowledge of results
c. motivation
d. meaningfulness
(d) Medium/Knowledge

66. A fashion designer who creates pieces for a large fashion house for a New York or Paris runway show has
a. high task identity.
b. low task identity.
c. low skill variety.
d. low autonomy.
(a) Medium/Synthesis

67. Employee autonomy has all of the following positive benefits but
a. it makes the employees more reactive in doing their jobs.
b. it increases motivation at work.
c. it increases employee creativity.
d. it increases employee effectiveness.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

68. Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between feedback and performance is true?
a. The mere presence of feedback is sufficient to motivate employees to better performance.
b. Regardless of whether feedback is positive or negative in nature, employees will feel motivated by it.
c. Feedback is detrimental to performance in about one-third of the cases.
d. The manner in which feedback is delivered has no bearing on its motivation effects.
(c) Medium/Analysis

69. According to the formula for the motivating potential score of a job, the most important elements in deciding motivation potential are
a. skill variety and autonomy.
b. task significance and task identity.
c. autonomy and feedback.
d. skill variety and feedback.
(c) Difficult/Analysis

70. Which of the following is true regarding the motivating potential of a job?
a. An employee whose expectation for his job is to pay the bills will have high growth strength.
b. Even though a job is designed with the express purpose of motivating individuals, some employees may not find the job motivational.
c. Career stage does not influence the importance of the five core characteristics.
d. Employees with high growth need strength will respond less favorably to jobs with high motivating potential.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation

71. In order to increase the feedback you receive, do the following:
a. avoid asking your superior for feedback. Managers will look less favorably upon you if you continually bother them for feedback.
b. develop a positive relationship with your manager.
c. when you receive negative feedback, defend yourself by explaining your behavior.
d. seek positive feedback rather than negative feedback.
(b) Medium/Analysis

72. Structural empowerment
a. refers to making a person powerless.
b. is the degree to which a person has higher order needs such as esteem and self-actualization.
c. refers to the aspects of the work environment that give employees discretion, autonomy and the ability to do jobs effectively.
d. is the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks.
(c) Medium/Knowledge

73. Which of the following factors do not determine empowerment?
a. structure
b. access to information
c. leadership style
d. pay
(d) Medium/Knowledge

74. ___________ is an example of felt empowerment.
a. Meaningful work
b. Leadership style
c. Organizational structure
d. Organizational climate
(a) Easy/Knowledge

75. One of the dimensions of structural empowerment is
a. meaningful work.
b. confidence that you can perform the job.
c. feeling that one has autonomy at work.
d. access to information.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

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