Thursday, November 14, 2019

List some issues in the external environment that might create a need for change in an organization.

What is a learning organization?

A learning organization is one where acquiring knowledge and changing behavior as a result of newly acquired knowledge is part of an organization’s design.

128. Describe some forms that organizational change takes.

Organizational change may impact a company’s strategy, structure, policies, procedures, technology or culture. The change can be radical or incremental.

129. List some issues in the external environment that might create a need for change in an organization.

Workplace demographics like the aging of that workforce, technological changes, globalization of business and market conditions are all issues that might create a need for change.

130. What impact might workforce demographics have on an organization?

A workforce demographic that might impact a firm is the aging workforce. Older people might require new or different benefits not currently offered to the existing workforce. They also might need different work arrangements and schedules.

131. What impact might technology have on an organization?

As technology rapidly changes, organizations must keep up. Firms struggle with the technology itself, funding the technology changes and training employees to keep up with those changes. The text mentioned the technological changes occurring in the music industry.

132. What impact does globalization have on an organization?

Globalization can be a threat or an opportunity for a firm. Many firms have begun to outsource much of their production to be competitive through low-cost structures. Sometimes the outsourcing is a success, sometimes the whole adaptation must be reviewed. The toy companies in the United States that outsourced to China and now deal with concerns about lead paint on those toys are doing some rethinking of the outsourcing process.

133. What impact do market conditions have on an organization?

The upheaval in the economy currently has created a dramatic need for change.  Consolidations in multiple industries, ongoing corporate scandals and general uncertainty have necessitated a need to examine the way each firm does business and to look at alternatives that might help it remain viable.

134. Name two ways in which people react to change.

People react in four ways:  active resistance, passive resistance, compliance and enthusiastic support. Any change attempt must overcome resistance on the part of people and recognizing these reactions makes a manager better able to address that reaction and provide for a successful change implementation.

135. Name two reasons why people resist change.

People resist change for a variety of reasons including: it disrupts their habits; because of their personality, feelings of uncertainty, fear of failure, the personal impact of the change, the prevalence of change and the perceived loss of power.

136. Is resistance to change always bad?

No, resistance to change can be a positive force. When resistance provides feedback to assess the changes and the methods to achieve such change it can be serving a constructive purpose. When people provide constructive criticism, those suggestions can be integrated into the change process for better implementation.

137. Briefly describe the Lewin process of change model.

Lewin’s model is comprised of three stages: unfreezing, change and refreezing.  The first stage ensures that employees are ready for change. The second stage executes the intended change and the third stage ensures the change is permanent.

138. What are two key steps to take in ensuring success in unfreezing for change?

The steps include: creating a vision for change, communicating a plan for change, developing a sense of urgency for change, building a coalition, providing support and allowing employees to participate.

139. What are two key steps to take to ensure change is appropriately executed?

The steps include: continue to provide support, create small wins, and eliminate obstacles.

140. What are two key steps in refreezing for change?

The steps include: publicizing success, building on prior change, rewarding change adoption, and making change a part of the organizational culture.

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