Thursday, November 14, 2019

In completing a Big 5 personality inventory, Manuel was found to have high openness to experience

Which of the following statements regarding culture creation is correct?
a. An organization’s culture is shaped only by internal environmental factors.
b. New organization members are rarely taught the “way of business” in the firm; they simply acquire that knowledge through daily activities.
c. When the organization’s way of doing business provides a successful adaptation to environmental challenges, those beliefs and values are retained.
d. Studies show the only factor consistently found to determine culture creation in a firm is the founder’s values.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

80. Which of the following statements regarding founder’s values is INCORRECT?
a. Founder values continue to be reflected in a firm only to the extent they continue to aid the firm’s success.
b. The difficulty in changing firm culture can be, at least, partially attributed to the shaping provided by founder values.
c. Founder values can provide a competitive advantage for a firm.
d. Founder values lay the cornerstone of the firm’s culture, but values have a rapidly decreasing impact as the firm grows and ages.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

81. If an industry is highly regulated, firms competing within it likely have
a. bureaucratic structures.
b. dynamic, innovative cultures.
c. low concern for rules and authority.
d. businesses processes characterized by agility and quick action.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis

82. _____________ is (are) part of the culture maintenance phase.
a. Founder values
b. Industry demands
c. Leadership
d. Preferences
(c) Easy/Knowledge

83. In completing a Big 5 personality inventory, Manuel was found to have high openness to experience. He would be attracted to an organization like
a. Target where jobs tend to be structured in their duties and responsibilities.
b. the IRS, which has a bureaucratic structure and authoritarian decision making processes.
c. Google with a laid-back, innovative culture.
d. General Motors with a tradition-bound culture experiencing serious viability issues.
(c) Medium/Application

84. Which of the following statements regarding the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) process is INCORRECT?
a. Individuals self-select the companies for which they choose to work.
b. Due to economic circumstances, companies today hire people for fit with the job only and are much less concerned about fit with the culture.
c. The ASA process aids organizations in maintaining the relative homogeneity of employee personalities and values.
d. Person-organization misfit is an important reason for employee turnover.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation

85. The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is
a. attraction-selection-attrition.
b. organizational socialization.
c. mentoring.
d. assessment.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

86. If onboarding activities are successful
a. employees experience greater job satisfaction but are no more likely to remain with the firm than those who do not take part in onboarding.
b. employees feel comfortable in the organization but have no greater belief that their abilities are sufficient for work in the firm than those employees who did not take part in the onboarding activities.
c. employees feel accepted by their peers but do not necessarily share the values and norms of the larger organization.
d. employees are more confident about their ability to perform in the organization and are likely to remain longer with the firm.
(d) Difficult/Analysis

87. During onboarding activities, employees must do all of the following to be successful EXCEPT
a. be reactive.
b. seek feedback.
c. network.
d. be proactive.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

88. Research on the employee role in onboarding activities indicates all of the following to be true EXCEPT
a. feedback-seeking enhances employee adjustment.
b. reactive individuals are more successful than proactive individuals.
c. active relationship building is particularly important to avoid turnover in those firms lacking systematic onboarding activities.
d. failure to network often causes employees to turnover in a job.
(b) Medium/Evaluation

89. Angelina has just accepted a new job. Her career counselor would not offer her which of the following pieces of advice if she wanted to ensure that Angelina gets  “on board” in the new firm quickly?
a. Build relationships with your manager and coworkers. Do not leave every day exactly at quitting time; get to know people in your firm.
b. Practice impression management, particularly that of your first impression.
c. Do not ask too many questions, as this would reveal your weaknesses.
d. Try to build success early on in your tenure at the company. Volunteer for projects and complete them effectively. Show your value to the firm.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

90. A trusted individual who provides the employee with advice and support regarding career-related matters is a
a. coworker.
b. manager.
c. mentor.
d. counselor.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

91. Which of the following statements regarding the organization’s role in onboarding and orientation activities is INCORRECT?
a. The mere existence of mentoring programs does not guarantee their success.
b. The speed with which new employees learn the company’s culture is strongly influenced by the support of supervisors and managers.
c. Adjustment to a new company is facilitated by information provided by peers and leaders.
d. How companies do onboarding doesn’t really matter much.
(d) Easy/Comprehension

92. Research on mentoring suggests
a. the mere existence of the program ensures its success.
b. mentor and protégé input to the program has little impact on satisfaction with the program.
c. mentor training enhances program outcomes.
d. mentor characteristics are less important in their selection to the program than willingness to participate.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

93. Leaders impact organization culture in all of the following ways or practices EXCEPT
a. role modeling.
b. leader style.
c. leader intelligence.
d. reaction to employee actions.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

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