Friday, November 15, 2019

All of the following are reasons why Xerox is so effective at motivating its employees EXCEPT:

All of the following are reasons why Xerox is so effective at motivating its employees EXCEPT:
a. the company’s success.
b. the firm has a centralized structure that retains decision making at upper levels in the organization.
c. the belief that employees should feel interested in the work they do.
d. the family atmosphere in the large company.
 (b) Medium/Comprehension


110. The philosophy of _____________ _____________focuses on the most efficient method to perform a job.
(scientific management)

111. ____ _______________ breaks down jobs into their simplest components and assigns them to employees so that they can perform tasks in a repetitive manner.
(Job specialization)

112. An auto assembly worker who works on the left rear wheel bolts on Monday, the right front headlight screws on Tuesday, the front grille connectors on Wednesday, the right rear wheel bolts on Thursday and the left front screws on Friday is working under a ________ ____________ system.
(job rotation)

113. The job characteristics model features the psychological states of _____________, _______________, and _____________________.
(meaningfulness, responsibility, and knowledge of results)

114. An organizational behavior instructor who develops a unique teamwork project for use in her classroom will have high ______________ with the project.
(task identity)

115. __________ ________ ___________ describes the degree to which a person has higher-order needs such as esteem and self-actualization.
(Growth need strength)

116. Employees who feel motivated and have discretion to make decisions about the content and context of their job are __________________.

117. A Harley-Davidson employee’s authority to stop the assembly line if he sees a blemish on the product has ___________________ empowerment.

118. The acronym, SMART, stands for___________, ______________,__________, realistic and time-bound when discussing goal setting.
(specific, measurable, aggressive)

119. The degree to which a person is dedicated to reaching the goal is called _______ _____________________.
(goal commitment)

120. ______________________is the process in which a rater or raters evaluate an employee’s performance.
(Performance appraisal)
121. ___-_________ _______________ is the process where supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes even customers provide feedback in a confidential manner to later share with the employee for developmental purposes.
(360-degree feedback)

122. _______ ________ ensures that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee’s story is heard.
(Fair hearing)

123. If you answer 90% of the questions right on an exam, you get an A, if you get 80% correct, you get a B, and so on. This approach to grading an exam uses an __________ _________ criteria.
(absolute rating)

124. If a manager does not want to have a confrontation with an employee or wants to avoid hurting that employee’s chances of getting a bonus, he may give the employee a rating higher than warranted. This bias in performance appraisal is called ______________.

125. Beliefs about different groups that may be generalized to an employee who is being evaluated, even though those beliefs may have little basis in reality, leads to a _____________ bias in performance evaluation.

126. History suggests that one of the first incentive plans in place was when Napoleon promised 12,000 francs to anyone who could find a way to preserve food for the army. This is an example of a ____________.

127. Fruit pickers are paid based on the amount of fruit they pick in a day. This is an example of a ______ _______ _______ system.
(piece rate incentive)

128. A one-time reward that follows a specific accomplishment is called a _________.

129. The purpose of ________ __________ is to align company and employee interests by making employees owners.
(stock options)

130. _____________ is a company-wide program where employees are rewarded for performance gains compared to past performance.

131. Chinese employees are much more motivated by ____________ goals than their American counterparts.

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