Thursday, November 14, 2019

Doris and Lydia are members of the Board of Directors at Beta Corporation. They are giving very serious consideration to voting to merge their company with Zeta Company

Antonio, Alpha Company’s marketing manager, will be listening to the advertising pitches from the final four firms today as he chooses the television ad campaign for his product for the fall season. Antonio is making a(n)
a. programmed decision.
b. strategic decision.
c. tactical decision.
d. operational decision.
(c) Difficult/Application

58. Doris and Lydia are members of the Board of Directors at Beta Corporation.  They are giving very serious consideration to voting to merge their company with Zeta Company for enhanced efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage. Doris and Lydia are making a(n)
a. strategic decision.
b. tactical decision.
c. operational decision.
d. programmed decision.
(a) Medium/Application

59. Claudia is a salesperson with a major department store chain that is currently running a “secret coupon sale.” The program allows the salesperson to randomly award a savings coupon to any shopper of the salesperson’s choice. Who the salesperson chooses to award the coupon to is a(n)
a. strategic decision.
b. tactical decision.
c. operational decision.
d. programmed decision.
(c) Medium/Application

60. A series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize their outcome and make the best choice describes
a. the bounded rationality model.
b. the rational decision-making model.
c. the intuitive decision-making model.
d. the creative decision-making model.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

61. If the goal of your decision making is to make the optimum decision or make the best choice, you should utilize
a. the bounded rationality model of decision making.
b. the intuitive decision-making model.
c. the creative decision-making model.
d. the rational decision making model.
(d) Medium/Comprehension

62. When the goal of the decision making exercise is to make a satisfactory decision because you are limited in some way such as time, you should utilize
a. the rational decision-making model.
b. the intuitive decision-making model.
c. the bounded rationality decision-making model.
d. the creative decision-making model.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

63. The bounded rationality decision-making model
a. describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize their outcome and make the best choice.
b. recognizes the limitations of decision making processes by having individuals knowingly limit their options to a manageable set and choose the best alternative without conducting an exhaustive search of alternatives.
c. refers to arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning, arguing that experts make decisions by scanning the environment for cues to recognize patterns.
d. refers to arriving at decisions after first gathering information about the problem and then setting the problem consciously aside until an insightful solution to the problem arises.
(b) Medium/Knowledge

64. The creative decision-making process
a. describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize their outcome and make the best choice.
b. recognizes the limitations of decision making processes by having individuals knowingly limit their options to a manageable set and choose the best alternative without conducting an exhaustive search of alternatives.
c. refers to arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning, arguing that experts make decisions by scanning the environment for cues to recognize patterns.
d. refers to arriving at decisions after first gathering information about the problem and then setting the problem consciously aside until an insightful solution to the problem arises.
(d) Medium/Knowledge

65. The decision-making process where decisions are arrived at without conscious reasoning, arguing that experts make decisions by scanning the environment for cues to recognize patterns is
a. the creative decision-making model.
b. the bounded rationality model.
c. the intuitive decision-making model.
d. the rational decision-making model.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

66. Jennifer has to decide which of two job offers she is going to choose. She begins her process by listing the key criteria she is looking for in a job including salary level, location, promotional opportunities, and so on. She then takes each job offer letter and carefully goes through each line assessing the offer in relationship to the criteria she has established. Jennifer is using which of decision-making model to choose her job?
a. the rational decision-making model
b. the creative decision-making model
c. the intuitive decision-making model
d. the programmed decision-making model
(a) Medium/Application

67. Which is the first step in the rational decision-making model?
a. Establish decision criteria.
b. Identify the problem.
c. Weigh decision criteria.
d. Generate alternatives.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

68. What is the most challenging or difficult step in the rational decision-making process?
a. Identify the problem.
b. Establish decision criteria.
c. Generate alternatives.
d. Evaluate alternatives.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

69. Which of the following statements regarding the rational decision-making model is INCORRECT?
a. The decision maker should generate alternatives before establishing criteria.
b. The decision maker should make certain to clearly identify the problem before undertaking any other step.
c. Successful managers tend to be clear on what they want at the outset of the decision making process.
d. One research study indicated that no alternative generation occurred in 85% of the decisions examined.
(a) Medium/Evaluation

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