Friday, November 15, 2019

NASA endured the Challenger disaster when group members conformed with top managers’ decisions that launching

Which of the following statements regarding Gersick’s study of punctuated equilibrium is correct?
a. Most change in groups is characterized by periods of revolutionary chaos.
b. All groups are able to readily adapt to new environments that arise due to change.
c. The punctuated equilibrium model is cyclical in nature.
d. Groups generally cycle through the Storming and Norming stages of group development.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

64. A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing
a. group action.
b. cohesion.
c. social loafing.
d. collective efficacy.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

65. Characteristics of cohesive groups include all of the following EXCEPT
a. having a collective identity.
b. working together on a meaningful task.
c. having a random pattern of communication.
d. having a desire to remain as a member of the group.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

66. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental factor impacting a group’s cohesion?
a. size
b. height
c. support
d. stability
(b) Easy/Knowledge

67. Which of the following statements related to fundamental factors affecting a group’s cohesion is correct?
a. The larger a group, the more cohesive it is likely to be.
b. The more similar group members are, the more cohesive the group is likely to be.
c. The more coaching group members receive, the less cohesive the group is likely to be.
d. The less time a group has stayed together, the more cohesive a group is likely to be.
(b) Medium/Analysis

68. Marina is encouraging her sorority sisters to function as a cohesive group. She lists all of the following as benefits EXCEPT
a. you will have greater self-confidence and self-esteem if you are a regular part of the group.
b. if you are experiencing stress, as you might during finals week, you can depend on your sisters to help get you through.
c. if you experience a personal tragedy or challenge, your sisters will help you cope.
d. If you are part of the sorority, you do not have to attend meetings and events often because you can depend on your sisters to cover for you.
(d) Easy/Evaluation

69. Eduardo is the new manager of Great Corporation. He is sitting at his desk and writing down a list of steps that he can follow to create and maintain a cohesive work group. Which of the following does NOT appear on that list?
a. Celebrate differences so each individual’s contribution is noticed.
b. Give praise sparingly; if it is given too often, it loses its luster.
c. Create some regular, common rituals like Friday morning coffee.
d. Let group members have choices in setting their goals.
(b) Easy/Analysis

70. NASA endured the Challenger disaster when group members conformed with top managers’ decisions that launching the space shuttle in freezing temperatures was better than missing the launch window. This is an example of what group process?
a. social loafing
b. cohesion
c. collective efficacy
d. groupthink
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

71. Symptoms of too much cohesion include
a. failures are blamed on external factors.
b. internal pressures to question the status quo.
c. greater questioning of external constraints.
d. tolerance for deviants.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

72. Which group would be the most effective from a performance standpoint?
a. A group with low task commitment and low group cohesion.
b. A group with high group cohesion and low task commitment.
c. A group with high task commitment and low group cohesion.
d. A group with high group cohesion and high task commitment.
(d) Easy/Analysis

73. Michael’s group is very cohesive and very committed to the task at hand. What is their likely performance level?
a. low performance
b. high performance if they do not value performance
c. average performance
d. high performance if they value performance
(d) Medium/Application

74. The Ringelmann effect is also known as
a. group cohesion.
b. collective efficacy.
c. social loafing.
d. groupthink.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

75. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with regard to the concept of social loafing?
a. The incidence of social loafing declines as group size increases.
b. A tendency for social loafing develops when a perception of inequity in regard to rewards and/or blame arises in a group.
c. Social loafing is a consistent effect across groups.
d. Social loafing is a consistent effect across cultures.
(a) Medium/Analysis

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