Friday, November 15, 2019

The traditional “fixed-pie” approach where negotiators see the situation as a pie that has to be divided between them is the ______________ negotiation strategy.

The social issues of _________ and ____ derailed the PointCast deal and are among the most difficult aspects of negotiating mergers today.
(ego, corporate pride)

112. __________ is the process that involves people disagreeing.

113. When you are uncertain about what is expected or wanted, or have the sense of being inadequate to perform a task, you are experiencing _____________ _____________.
(intrapersonal conflict)

114. Union and management conflicts are examples of ____________ conflict.

115. A __________ amount of conflict is related to high performance.

116. Two root causes of work conflict are task _______________ and ____________ goals.
(interdependence, incompatible)

117. The _________ conflict handling style is uncooperative and unassertive.

118. A person with a(n) _________ conflict handling style might say, “If it’s important to you, I can go along with it.”

119. The conflict handling style in which an individual has some desire to express his own concerns and get his way but still respects the other person’s goals is the _______________ style.

120. The conflict handling style in which people are highly assertive but low on cooperation is _______________.

121. When two people who are in conflict emphasize problem solving and integration of each other’s goals, they are utilizing a ____________ conflict handling style.

122. The ____________ conflict handling style has the most potential to be highly effective in many different situations.

123. The process where two parties work toward an agreement is ____________.

124. BATNA stands for _____ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________.
(best alternative to negotiated agreement)

125. A key stage that is often ignored in the negotiating process is the ____________ phase where information is gathered.

126. ___________ is the third phase of the negotiation process where you assemble the gathered information in a way to support your position.

127. The ______________ phase of the negotiation process is where each party discusses his goals and seeks to get an agreement.

128. A _____________ is giving up something to get something in return.

129. The final phase of the negotiation process, ______________, is where the two parties either come to an agreement on terms or one party has found the final offer to be unacceptable and walks away from it.

130. The traditional “fixed-pie” approach where negotiators see the situation as a pie that has to be divided between them is the ______________ negotiation strategy.

131. The ____________ negotiation strategy looks for ways for the two parties to integrate goals under a larger umbrella.

132. Mediation, arbitration and other ways of resolving conflicts with the help of a specially trained third party without need for a formal trial or hearing is called _____________ _________ _____________.
(Alternative Dispute Resolution)

133. ___________ is a process where an outside third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement.

134. The conflict resolution process where a neutral third party listens to each side’s case and makes a binding decision is called ___________.

135. Commonly, the conflict resolution process of _________ follows that of ___________ but research indicates that the process of _____________ followed by ____________ actually leads to more voluntary agreements between the parties.
(arbitration, mediation, arbitration, mediation)

136. If your counterpart feels you are being __________ in your negotiations, he is less likely to make any concessions.
(unethical or dishonest or unfair)

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