Thursday, November 14, 2019

Michael is the United Way pledge leader for his department. He gets along quite well with his coworkers

Nancy argues with Janet over every work project and generally does not want to be assigned to work with her. Yet, Nancy thinks Janet is a very nice person and enjoys her company at social outings.
a. Nancy would have a low least preferred coworker score.
b. Nancy would have a high least preferred coworker score.
c. Nancy would have a midrange least preferred coworker score.
d. Nancy would not have a least preferred coworker score.
(b) Difficult/Application

69. If you dislike working with a person and do not care for them on a personal level either,
a. you would have a low least preferred coworker score.
b. you would have a high least preferred coworker score.
c. you would have a midrange least preferred coworker score.
d. you would not have a least preferred coworker score.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

70. In situations of medium favorableness,
a. low LPC leaders are effective.
b. high LPC leaders are effective.
c. medium LPC leaders are effective.
d. either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation

71. Situational favorableness includes all of the following conditions EXCEPT
a. leader-subordinate relations.
b. position power.
c. motivation level.
d. task structure.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

72. Paolo is a manager of a department in a small, family-run retail department store.  He and his subordinates clash over scheduling and other procedural aspects of the job almost daily. While having the title of manager, Paolo makes few decisions for the department, instead implementing those relayed by his manager. The sales associate position as well as his managerial position do not have specific duties tied to them; instead everyone is supposed to do “whatever it takes.” The situation would best be described as
a. favorable.
b. medium favorable
c. unfavorable.
d. controlled.
(c) Medium/Application

73. If leader-subordinate relations are good, position power is low and task structure is high, the situation would be categorized as
a. favorable.
b. medium favorable.
c. unfavorable.
d. controlled.
(a) Medium/Analysis

74. If leader-subordinate relations are poor, position power is high and task structure is high, the situation would be categorized as
a. favorable.
b. medium favorable.
c. unfavorable.
d. controlled.
(b) Medium/Analysis

75. Karli is the designated leader of a class project group. She gets along well with the group members but often is not sure exactly what she should do to assist her group in producing a high-quality project. Which LPC style is best for this scenario?
a. Low LPC leaders are effective.
b. High LPC leaders are effective.
c. Medium LPC leaders are effective.
d. Either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis

76. Michael is the United Way pledge leader for his department. He gets along quite well with his coworkers. His pledge leader duties, with regard to specific steps to follow in asking coworkers for pledges and how to collect and report them, are clearly laid out for him in a United Way brochure. Which LPC style is best for this scenario?
a. Low LPC leaders are effective.
b. High LPC leaders are effective.
c. Medium LPC leaders are effective.
d. Either low or high LPC leaders will be effective.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis

77. Research on Fiedler’s Contingency Theory indicates which of the following?
a. Predictions about where high LPC leadership will be effective are supported more than those where low LPC leadership is effective.
b. There is full support for Fiedler’s Contingency Theory.
c. Fiedler’s theory is important because it recognizes the importance of the leadership context.
d. Fiedler’s theory is a useful framework for thinking about which personality traits are useful in predicting leadership.
(c) Medium/Analysis

78. Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT
a. effort leads to high performance.
b. rewards lead to high performance.
c. rewards are valuable to the performer.
d. high performance will be rewarded.
(b) Medium/Analysis

79. Which of the following statements regarding House’s path-goal theory of leadership is INCORRECT?
a. The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to remove roadblocks and create a motivational environment for workers.
b. Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the employee characteristics and those of the work environment.
c. House’s path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation.
d. Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards.
(c) Medium/Synthesis

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