Friday, November 15, 2019

You are a salesperson in a major department store. Though you might not actually believe it, you follow the policy of “the customer

Which of the following statements regarding organizational steps to managing employee stress is correct?
a. Sabbaticals are stress-reduction programs found only in the university setting.
b. Employee assistance programs are found only in large Fortune 500 companies.
c. Telecommuting decreases stress, but increases work-family conflict because the employee is working from home.
d. Employees experience less stress when their assignments are clear.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

93. Which of the following statements regarding organizational steps to managing employee stress is correct?
a. Employee assistance programs often address legal or financial problems of the employee.
b. Employee autonomy increases stress and decreases job satisfaction.
c. Company sabbaticals are paid vacations for extended periods of time.
d. Organizations’ that have a fair environment are less profitable but have higher employee retention rates.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

Which of the following is not a negative emotion?
a. anger
b. fear
c. surprise
d. sadness
(c) Easy/Knowledge

95. Which of the following statements regarding positive emotions is INCORRECT?
a. Positive feelings dispose an individual to optimism but make him less open to new ideas.
b. Individuals feeling positive emotions like contentment experience a sensation of having something they did not have before.
c. Firms are interested in the emotional reaction their products create because those who experience strong positive emotions for a product tend to recommend it to others.
d. Having positive emotions can lead to upward positive spirals of good emotions.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis

96. Which of the following statements about negative emotions is INCORRECT?
a. Negative emotions like anger can result from an event such as not having your opinions heard by your supervisor.
b. Employees who manage their negative emotions are involved in fewer conflicts than employees who do not.
c. Negative emotions that are not managed can become the norm in a workplace.
d. Negative emotions are always destructive in the workplace.
(d) Medium/Evaluation

97. Which of the following statements regarding research on emotional contagion is INCORRECT?
a. Both positive and negative emotions can be contagious.
b. Some people are more susceptible to emotional contagion than others.
c. The spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than that from negative emotions.
d. Emotions are especially salient in teams and thus teams can exhibit emotional contagion just as individuals can.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

Section IV:  Emotions at Work

98. Which of the following is NOT an emotion that is part of the Affective Events Theory?
a. jealousy
b. surprise
c. anger
d. fear
(a) Easy/Knowledge

99. Jennifer strongly dislikes her next-door neighbors, yet every time she sees them she stops to pleasantly chat with them for a few moments. Jennifer is engaging in
a. genuine acting.
b. surface acting.
c. deep acting.
d. cognitive acting.
(b) Medium/Application

100. When an individual is displaying emotions he does not feel, he is engaging in
a. deep acting.
b. surface acting.
c. genuine acting.
d. cognitive dissonance.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

101. Genuine acting is
a. pretending to experience emotions not really felt.
b. exhibiting physical signs that reflect emotions not felt.
c. displaying emotions in alignment with your emotions.
d. a mismatch of emotions.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

102. You are a salesperson in a major department store. Though you might not actually believe it, you follow the policy of “the customer is always right” in your daily work at the store. However, since you do not agree with that view, you often experience
a. surface acting.
b. genuine acting.
c. deep acting
d. cognitive dissonance.
(d) Medium/Application

103. Which of the following is not a way to alleviate cognitive dissonance?
a. Change your behavior.
b. Change the facts of the situation.
c. Change your belief.
d. Smile more.
(d) Easy/Comprehension

104. Which of the following is NOT a building block of emotional intelligence?
a. self-awareness
b. business management
c. relationship management
d. self-management
(b) Easy/Knowledge

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