Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ingar Skaug, CEO of Wilhelmsen Lines, changed the decision-making style of his firm to one that

Ingar Skaug, CEO of Wilhelmsen Lines, changed the decision-making style of his firm to one that
a. gave him all the decision-making authority in his firm.
b. empowered employees to make their own decisions.
c. led his employees to think that he wanted their input but made the decisions himself.
d. made decisions by consensus.
(b) Medium/Analysis


104. _________ _________ is making choices among alternative courses of action including inaction.
(Decision making)

105. __________ decisions occur frequently and have automated responses developed for them, while ___________ decisions are unique and require conscious thinking, information gathering and careful alternative generation.
(Programmed, nonprogrammed)

106. Automated responses that we use to make decisions are called _______ _________.
(decision rules)

107. ___________ decisions set the course for an organization and are made by CEOs, while ______________ decisions are those that make the organization run and are made daily by employees.
(Strategic, operational)

108. “How should we market the new product line?” is an example of a ____________ decision made by managers.

109. When a decision is important and outcomes need to be maximized, use the __________ ___________ __________ __________ to make your decision.
(rational decision-making model)

110. The __________ _____________ __________ recognizes the limitations of the decision-making process and thus the tendency of individuals to satisfice in their decisions.
(bounded rationality model)

111. When time pressures arise, as when a life or death situation occurs, and an individual has expertise in the area, the _________ ________ ____________ __________ is often used to make decisions.
(intuitive decision-making model)

112. The generation of new, imaginative ideas is ___________.

113. The phase of the creative decision-making process where the individual sets the problem aside and does not consciously think about it for a while is the ________________ phase.

114. The insightful or “eureka” moment in the creative decision-making process is the ___________ phase.

115. In assessing the level of creativity in the decision-making process, ______ is the number of ideas a person is able to generate.

116. _________________ is how different ideas generate in the creative decision-making process are from one another.

117. The uniqueness of ideas generated during the creative decision-making process is _______________.

118. Some experts suggest that creativity is the interaction among the three factors of _______________, ________________, and ________________.
(personality traits, attributes, situational context)

119. Ideas for enhancing organizational creativity focus on team composition, team process, ________ and ____________.
(leadership, culture)

120. The group process of generating ideas that follow a set of guidelines including no criticism of ideas during the process, the notion that no idea is too crazy, and that builds on other ideas is _______________.

121. Since research suggests that the quantity of ideas leads to better quality ideas in the end, setting ________ ___________ ________ where the group must reach a set number of ideas before they are done brainstorming is a recommended practice.
(high idea quotas)

122. _______________ is a variation on brainstorming where the group focuses on ideas that are impossible and then imagines what would need to happen to make them possible.

123. A decision-making trap where people overestimate their ability to predict future events is called _______________.__________.
(overconfidence bias)

124. When you say, “I know I should have taken this car in for service when I first heard the noises, and now it’s just quit on me,” you are exhibiting the decision-making trap, _________ ________.
(hindsight bias)

125. Maria relied on knowing what an outstanding worker Gordon was to hire Gordon’s sister for the entry-level position. Gordon’s sister is very unreliable. Maria fell into the decision-making trap of _______________ in making her hiring decision.

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