Friday, November 15, 2019

Renaldo is preparing to rate Marquez on his annual performance evaluation. As he looks at the first item

360-degree feedback
a. is designed to provide feedback for promotion or pay decisions.
b. is designed to deal with all instances where competition between coworkers is prevalent.
c. is designed to provide feedback for developmental purposes.
d. is the most frequently used form of performance appraisal in U.S. firms.
(c) Medium/Analysis

90. Fair hearing
a. involves letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal.
b. involves documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance.
c. means ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee’s perspective is heard.
d. is the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

91. Adequate notice
a. involves letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal.
b. Involves documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance.
c. means ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee’s perspective is heard.
d. is the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

92. Judgment based on evidence
a. involves letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal.
b. involves documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance.
c. means ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee’s perspective is heard.
d. is the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

93. A relative ranking system is used when
a. students receive an A if they got 93% of the total points in a semester.
b. students receive weighted grades during a semester, like: 20 of 25 points on a quiz worth 5% of the grade, and 10 of 15 on a quiz worth 3% of the grade.
c. a college implements a system where 10% of the class will receive A, 20% will receive B, 70% will receive C, 20% will receive D and 10% will receive F.
d. a student must take all quizzes to receive a C, a student must take all quizzes and write a paper to receive a B, and a student must take all quizzes, write a paper and do a presentation to receive an A.
(c) Difficult/Synthesis

94. Forced ranking systems, like that established by General Electric,
a. provide employees with concrete feedback on what their goals are for next year.
b. are beneficial to a firm if they are used in a consistent manner and for a long period of time.
c. can lead to employee stagnation and a performance-aversive culture.
d. can carry the danger of lawsuits because of equal employment opportunity concerns with employees rated.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

95. All of the following are purposes of a performance appraisal EXCEPT
a. achieving work/life balance.
b. documenting employee performance for pay and reward decisions.
c. providing employees with feedback for developmental purposes.
d. distributing bonuses, pay increases and promotions.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

96. Conducting an effective performance appraisal meeting
a. is always easier if the rater begins the meeting with a criticism of the employee and moves forward from there.
b. is always easier if the rater limits the number of opportunities the employee has to speak.
c. is facilitated if the rater has empathy for the employee.
d. is easier if the rater completes the performance appraisal form as he talks to the employee during the actual performance appraisal meeting.
(c) Medium/Synthesis

97. Matthew and Jim are next-door neighbors and their sons are best friends. Matthew and Jim take the boys on many father-son outings. Matthew is Jim’s boss at ABC Corporation. Jim gets high ratings from Matthew. There may be bias in those ratings due to
a. leniency.
b. stereotypes.
c. contrast.
d. liking.
(d) Medium/Application

98. Renaldo is preparing to rate Marquez on his annual performance evaluation. As he looks at the first item, Renaldo thinks about the meeting he had with Marquez last week. Marquez shared with Renaldo that his wife was quite ill and that there may be days when he would be called to the hospital unexpectedly. As Renaldo looks back at the form, he thinks about how costly this will be for Marquez. Renaldo may give Marquez ratings that show ______________ bias.
a. liking
b. leniency
c. stereotype
d. recency
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

99. All of the following statements about rating biases are true EXCEPT
a. women in stereotypically male jobs are rated higher than women in stereotypically female jobs.
b. attractive women are rated higher if they hold non-management jobs than if they hold management positions.
c. liking someone may cause the rater to selectively remember positive things about the person and thus rate him higher.
d. leniency bias can be addressed by having the rater use relative rankings.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

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