Thursday, November 14, 2019

The new CEO of XYZ Corporation has developed a plan that will call for the restructuring of the organization from a functional structure

The new CEO of XYZ Corporation has developed a plan that will call for the restructuring of the organization from a functional structure to a matrix one. In his meeting with his subordinates, manager Ervin says, “This will be great. You will still work for this area and me, but you will have variety in that you will also all be reporting to a second manager for various projects to which you will be assigned.  This new structure will only help grow this company.” This is what kind of a reaction to change?
a. compliance
b. enthusiastic support
c. active resistance
d. passive resistance
(b) Medium/Application

74. Georgio just returned from a meeting where his boss informed everyone of the new procedures to use in requesting reimbursement for travel. Georgio says, “I just figured out how to fill the other one out and now they are changing things.  Oh, well, what are you going to do?” This is what kind of a reaction to change?
a. enthusiastic support
b. active resistance
c. compliance
d. passive resistance
(c) Medium/Application

75. Being disturbed by changes without voicing your opinion is
a. active resistance.
b. passive resistance.
c. enthusiastic support.
d. compliance.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

76. Compliance is
a. going along with proposed changes with little enthusiasm.
b. the most negative reaction to a proposed change.
c. defending the change and encouraging others to give their support to the change as well.
d. being disturbed by changes without voicing those opinions.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

77. All of the following statements regarding resistance to change are correct EXCEPT
a. all change attempts have to overcome the resistance of people.
b. if resistance to change is not addressed by the firm, time and energy will be lost.
c. when people react negatively to change, they are absent more often.
d. when people react negatively to change, they experience negative emotions, but are no more likely to leave the firm than they would be in a firm that was not undergoing organizational change.
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

78. People resist change for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. disrupted habits.
b. personality.
c. feelings of certainty.
d. fear of failure.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

79. All of the following statements regarding reasons employees resist change are correct EXCEPT
a. those who feel they can perform well under a new system will be more committed than those who have lower confidence in their ability to perform.
b. we are creatures of habit.
c. feelings of uncertainty create stress.
d. people with a negative self-concept view change as an opportunity.
(d) Medium/Synthesis

80. Which of the following statements regarding reasons employees resist change is correct?
a. people may not welcome the change currently proposed, but they do not usually place those changes into any past context, so former unsuccessful changes have little impact on the situation.
b. people resist change even if it is personally beneficial to them.
c. people are less likely to resist a change that is big in scope and has far reaching consequences.
d. people resist change that negatively impacts their influence and power in the firm.
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

81. Abdul has been downsized. Which of the following is NOT a piece of advice to offer him?
a. Polish your resume and job hunting skills.
b. Know our rights.
c. Get help.
d. Get angry!  You just lost your job, you deserve to vent.
(d) Easy/Comprehension

82. Which of the following is NOT a stage of Lewin’s model of planned change?
a. refreeze
b. unfreeze
c. assess
d. change
(c) Easy/Comprehension

83. Making sure that organizational members are ready for and receptive to change is what step of the Lewin model?
a. refreeze
b. unfreeze
c. assess
d. change
(b) Easy/Comprehension

84. Ensuring that change becomes permanent and the new procedures become the norm is what stage of Lewin’s model of planned change?
a. refreeze
b. unfreeze
c. assess
d. change
 (a) Easy/Comprehension

85. What is the first step in Lewin’s model of planned change?
a. refreeze
b. unfreeze
c. assess
d. change
 (b) Easy/Comprehension

86. All of the following factors are important when unfreezing for planned change EXCEPT
a. taking things slowly; do not suggest a crisis is imminent
b. create a vision for change
c. communicate the plan for change
d. provide support
(a) Medium/Analysis

87. Which of the following statements related to the unfreezing stage of planned change is INCORRECT?
a. Allow employee participation in planning for change efforts.
b. Get everyone on board as soon as the change is initiated.
c. Make sure management provides emotional and instrumental support.
d. Make sure employees hear about planned changes via official channels, not the grapevine.
(b) Medium/Evaluation

88. Which of the following statements regarding the second stage of planned change is INCORRECT?
a. Early success gives change planners credibility.
b. Employees will be stressed; support them.
c. Create big wins because people need to see that things are happening.
d. Ensure that management keeps alert to and deals with obstacles that arise.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

89. Which of the following statements regarding the final stage of planned change is INCORRECT?
a. Employees should be informed regularly of the results of the change.
b. Declare victory early in making the change and get into a routine.
c. Reward those who embraced the change effort.
d. Change the mindset of people so change becomes a regular part of the corporate culture.
(b) Medium/Evaluation

90. Which of the following statements regarding overcoming resistance to your proposals is INCORRECT?
a. Do not listen to naysayers.
b. Involve those around you in the change.
c. Understand the reasons for resistance.
d. Present data to your audience.
(a) Medium/Analysis

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