Friday, November 15, 2019

The United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford Motor Company were negotiating a new agreement to address the auto industry

The United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford Motor Company were negotiating a new agreement to address the auto industry woes during a severe economic downturn. Ford offered to consider delaying layoffs if the UAW agreed to changes in contractual work rules related to the jobs bank. This negotiation suggests the use of what conflict handling style?
a. avoidance
b. collaboration
c. accommodation
d. compromise
(d) Medium/Application

72. Ned and Michael are managers of two different departments at Beckett Corporation. The two have not gotten along well over the years. Yesterday the two attended a budget meeting for the new fiscal year. Both wanted more funding for their departments. When the finance vice president suggested an increase for Ned’s department, Michael became quite agitated and made a number of accusations about the nature of the numbers that Ned had used to support his position. After the meeting, Michael cornered the finance vice president in his office and continued his spiel on why his department deserved the extra funding but Ned’s did not. What style of conflict handling does Michael exhibit?
a. compromise
b. accommodation
c. competition
d. avoidance
(c) Medium/Application

73. Olivia and her teenage daughter, Natalie, are arguing again about whether Natalie should go to a family gathering this Sunday or attend an outing with her friends. Olivia and her daughter argue about this topic every week. This time, Olivia turns to her daughter and says, “OK, if it is that important that you go out with Jenna Sunday, then I can agree this time around.”  Olivia is using what conflict handling style?
a. accommodation
b. controlling
c. collaboration
d. avoidance
(a) Medium/Application

74. Maris Manufacturing is a unionized company producing customized metal units for the appliance and medical equipment industries. Each contract negotiation is a contentious affair for the union and management. However, over the past few months both union and management officials have become very concerned about the number of Maris union employees who are experiencing alcohol-related issues. Last month alone, six employees sought medical assistance under the employee assistance program. Management and union officials will be meeting next week to address the issue. This is an example of what conflict handling style?
a. accommodation
b. collaboration
c. compromise
d. competition
(b) Medium/Application

75. Which conflict handling style is indicated by an individual who says, “I don’t really care if we work this out.”?
a. accommodation
b. collaboration
c. avoidance
d. compromise
(c) Medium/Application

76. Which conflict handling style is indicated by an individual who says, “Maybe we can both agree to give in a little.”?
a. compromise
b. collaboration
c. accommodation
d. avoidance
(a) Medium/Application

77. Though no conflict handling style is perfect, which style seems to be the most effective in many different situations?
a. compromise
b. competition
c. collaboration
d. accommodation
(c) Medium/Comprehension

78. Research shows that when managers are dealing with conflict they prefer which conflict handling style?
a. compromising
b. accommodating
c. avoiding
d. forcing
(d) Medium/Comprehension

79. Research shows that when confronted with a conflict situation, subordinates are most likely to use all of the following conflict handling styles EXCEPT
a. compromising
b. forcing
c. avoiding
d. accommodating
(b) Medium/Analysis

80. With regard to conflict, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
a. The best solution often requires a discussion of varying opinions.
b. A lack of disagreement may indicate employees are withholding opinions.
c. Conflict is inherently bad.
d. A key to a healthy discussion is a focus on tasks, not personalities.
(c) Difficult/Analysis

81. All of the following would be effective means of stimulating conflict EXCEPT
a. assigning someone to play devil’s advocate.
b. encouraging disagreement with no fear of reprisal.
c. creating competition between teams or individuals with a bonus for those with the best solution.
d. building clarity into the situation.
(d) Medium/Analysis

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