Thursday, November 14, 2019

Researchers at the Ohio State University and the University of Michigan found that there are two broad categories of behaviors related to leadership

Which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is INCORRECT?
a. People in positions of authority are influential in driving others to ethical or unethical behaviors.
b. Leaders with high levels of moral development create more ethical organizational climates.
c. The contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics play in effective leadership.
d. The level of ethical leadership shown is related to a willingness to report job related problems to the leader.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

107. Which of the following statement regarding leadership and other cultures is INCORRECT?
a. Ninety-eight percent of all leadership studies have been completed in the United States.
b. The applicability of leadership theories to other cultures is uncertain.
c. Only decisiveness is a universal leadership trait.
d. Given the differences between cultures, a sensitivity to those differences and the ability to adapt style to circumstances are needed in global leaders.
(c) Medium/Analysis

108. Which statement regarding global leader characteristics is correct?
a. In Western and Latin cultures, leaders who speak in a monotonous voice convey the ability to control emotions.
b. Universally, people feel that honesty, trustworthiness and fairness are related to leadership effectiveness.
c. Transactional leaders are found to be the most influential leaders around the world.
d. There is no universal agreement on characteristics viewed as undesirable in leaders.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation


109. ___________ is the act of influencing others to work to a goal.

110. Leaders who demonstrate leadership by influencing others, but are without a formal position are ____________ leaders.

111. “IQ” refers to _____________ ___________ while “EQ” refers to _____________ _______________.
(mental intelligence, emotional intelligence)

112. A person who is talkative, outgoing, sociable and enjoys social situations is ___________.

113. ___________ is being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable.

114. The two personality traits of the Big 5 that are not related to leader emergence or leader effectiveness are ____________ and ___________.
(agreeableness, neuroticism)

115. ____________ may explain the relationship between being tall and being viewed as a leader.

116. Researchers at the Ohio State University and the University of Michigan found that there are two broad categories of behaviors related to leadership; they are __________ and ____________.
(task-oriented, people-oriented)

117. A __________ leader decision-making style leaves employees alone to make a decision.

118. A ______ ______ score from Fiedler’s contingency theory means that an individual has a people-oriented personality and can separate his liking of a person from his ability to work with that person.
(high LPC)

119. The three conditions creating Fiedler’s situational favorableness are ______ ________, ___________ ___________and _______ _______________.
(leader-subordinate relations, position power, task structure)

120. The __________ leadership style is appropriate for situations when tasks are boring and repetitive and they are stressful.

121. Leaders who provide specific directions for employees, treat them well, care about them on a personal level and are encouraging have the ____________ leadership style.

122. A ____________ __________ is a decision-making tool to help leaders determine how much involvement they should seek in making decisions.
(decision tree)

123. Those leaders who lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader’s goals are _______________ leaders.

124. ______________ leaders ensure that employees demonstrate the right behaviors because they provide resources in exchange.

125. A magnetic personality is _____________.

126. ____________ _______________ _ _____________ involves leaving employees to do their jobs without interference but at the same time proactively predicting problems.
(Active management by exception)

127. Leaving employees alone, and, as a manager, waiting until something happens before interacting is _____________ ____________ ____ _____________.
(passive management by exception)

128. _______________is the key factor in making transformational leadership more effective.

129. In a high _______________, the leader forms a trust-based relationship with the members.
(leader-member exchange or LMX)

130. When a leader puts his employees first, he is exhibiting ___________ _____
(servant leadership)

131. Key characteristics of _________leadership are self-awareness, a thorough understanding of values and priorities, and personal integrity.

132. The ________________ experiments, where those participating provided electric shocks to others answering questions incorrectly, are an example of unethical behaviors by people in positions of authority.

133. __________leaders are found to be one of the most influential leaders around the world.

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