Thursday, November 14, 2019

How does Fiedler’s contingency theory compare to that of House’s path-goal theory of leadership?

 List and describe two traits that are associated with leadership. Indicate what impact they have on leadership.

Traits that can be presented include: general mental intelligence and emotional intelligence, the Big 5 traits, self-esteem and integrity.

General intelligence is often viewed as getting individuals to the leader level, but once there emotional intelligence may take over, as everyone at the leader level has mental intelligence.

The Big 5 traits of openness, conscientiousness and extraversion are related both to leader emergence and leader effectiveness. Extraversion has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and effectiveness.

Individual leaders with high self-esteem tend to have greater levels of self-confidence, and studies show that they support their subordinates more and when they punish, punish more effectively. Also, self-esteem may be the underlying reason why height and leadership are connected, because people who are taller have greater self-esteem and therefore project more charisma and get more followers.

Those individuals who have greater integrity are viewed as more trustworthy and thus gain more followers.

135. Differentiate between mental intelligence and emotional intelligence. What impact does either have on leadership in an organization?

Mental intelligence is represented by IQ and obviously reflects abilities such as mathematical and verbal comprehension. Emotional intelligence is a concept popularized by Daniel Goleman and refers to individuals’ ability to control their own emotions, understand other people’s emotions, internal motivations and their social skills.

Goleman suggests that mental ability gets the individual to the leader level but once there, emotional intelligence takes over, as everyone at the leader level has general intelligence.

136. Describe the ties between each of the Big 5 personality traits and leadership.

Extraversion is the Big 5 trait with the strongest relationship between both leader emergence and leader effectiveness.

Conscientious individuals are organized, take initiative and demonstrate persistence, so this factor also is tied to leader emergence, and then effectiveness in that position.

Openness is the trait representing originality and creativity and tends to lead to leader emergence, then effectiveness.

Agreeable people are modest, good-natured and avoid conflict but are less likely to be perceived as leaders.

Clearly, neuroticism, which is being anxious, irritable, temperamental and moody, is not a characteristic tied to leader emergence or effectiveness.

137. What is the difference between task-oriented and people-oriented behaviors?

Task-oriented or initiating structure, delineate the roles of subordinates, provide them instructions and behave in ways that generally increase the performance of the group. Task-oriented people get things done and meet organizational goals.

People-oriented behaviors, or consideration, include showing concern for employee feelings and treating employees with respect. People-oriented managers care about their employees and demonstrate that concern through action and decision.

Both types of behaviors are beneficial to an organization but for different purposes. For example, when people-oriented behaviors are demonstrated, employees are more satisfied. When task-oriented behaviors are demonstrated, productivity tends to be higher.

138. Describe each of the types of leader decision making.

There are three types of leader decision-making styles. Authoritarian decision making is when leaders make the decisions alone without involving employees in the decision-making process. Laissez-faire decision making is when leaders leave employees alone to make the decision providing minimal guidance in the decision. Democratic decision-making leaders have employees participate in the decision making process.

139. How does Fiedler’s contingency theory compare to that of House’s path-goal theory of leadership?

Fiedler’s contingency theory looks at individual scores on a least preferred coworker scale. This score indicates whether you can dislike an individual personally and still work effectively with him. This theory assumes the leader’s style is fixed and the environment changes. Thus you assess the leader style in relationship to situational favorableness (leader-subordinate relations, position power, task structure) to determine the most effective style.

House’s path-goal theory is based upon expectancy theory and looks at how a leader’s style can change depending on the circumstances. Underlying path-goal theory is the expectation that effort leads to high performance, high performance will be rewarded. and the rewards will be valuable. The leader’s job is to remove roadblocks from this process and create environments that subordinates see as motivational.

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