Thursday, November 14, 2019

A well known Fortune 500 CEO dresses up in a different outlandish costume each year for his presentation during the annual stockholder meeting

Which if the following statements regarding the impact of reward systems on culture shaping is correct?
a. A firm that uses a forced choice method of evaluation where a percentage of employees are ranked as excellent, average and failures, and the failures are threatened with turnover, is likely to have a team-oriented culture.
b. Firms that reward based on how an employee meets a goal and not just whether the goal is met are likely to have highly aggressive cultures.
c. A firm that rewards purely on the basis of goal achievement is likely to have an outcome-oriented culture.
d. In outcome oriented cultures, supportive, cooperative behaviors are rewarded.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

95. Which of the following statements regarding the creation and maintenance of culture is INCORRECT?
a. One reason for the difficulty encountered in trying to change a firm’s culture is the early shaping of culture based on the founder’s vision.
b. If a leader motivates by rewarding for performance, an outcome-oriented culture can develop.
c. The attraction-selection-attrition process is a self-protective mechanism by which a firm maintains a level of homogeneity regarding the values of organization members.
d. Computer-based orientation programs are more cost efficient and are more effective at conveying corporate culture than classroom-based programs.
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

96. Best practices for onboarding programs in firms suggest all of the following EXCEPT
a. Make interaction key to the program. Get participation from all organization members to the greatest extent possible.
b. Keep the program as an informal plan. Formalization of the plan will prevent its adaptation to new types of employees.
c. Be clear on goals of the program and those who are actively participating.
d. Establish milestones for the program and monitor them. Try to build a rhythm for the program.
(b) Medium/Analysis

97. A statement of purpose describing who a company is and what it does is
a. a policy.
b. a ritual.
c. a mission statement.
d. a rule.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

98. Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of a mission statement is INCORRECT?
a. The mission statement must be provided to the employees when they first enter the firm to be effective.
b. The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization.
c. Effective mission statements are well known by employees.
d. Effective mission statements influence employee behaviors.
(b) Medium/Analysis

99. A well known Fortune 500 CEO dresses up in a different outlandish costume each year for his presentation during the annual stockholder meeting.  The presentation is simulcasted to all divisions and offices of the firm and employees enthusiastically view the proceedings. This scenario is an example of what visual element of culture?
a. rituals
b. stories
c. policies
d. artifacts
(a) Medium/Comprehension

100. If the firm has a strict dress code policy in its employee handbook calling for male employees to wear “ties and white or light colored shirts, no pastels” and female employees to wear “dark skirts of knee length or below or dress slacks,” the culture of the firm is likely
a. innovative.
b. stable.
c. aggressive.
d. team-based.
(b) Medium/Application

101. Alcoa Corporation’s headquarters facility has a minimal number of traditional offices with four walls and a door. The elevators on each floor are located at the ends of the long corridors in out-of-the-way alcoves. An open-air escalator runs in the center of the building. Workers largely are seated in low-walled cubicles.  Copy machines and other office equipment are centrally located on each floor.  This physical layout encourages what kind of culture?
a. aggressive
b. team-based
c. detail-oriented
d. outcome-oriented
(b) Medium/Application

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