Thursday, November 14, 2019

The organizational behavior course has a project as a key requirement in the course. As part of the course’s evaluation, students must indicate

Steve Jobs is one of the best-known CEOs in business. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in describing the way that Steve Jobs runs Apple Inc.?
a. Jobs has an uncanny ability to persuade and influence people.
b. Jobs instills enthusiasm in his employees.
c. Jobs has a vision that he shares with his employees.
d. Jobs is always respectful of his employees.
(d) Difficult/Synthesis

52. Steve Jobs is best known for using what kind of power in running Apple Inc.?
a. coercive
b. referent
c. legitimate
d. all of the above
(d) Medium/Analysis

Section I:  The Basics of Power

53. The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is
a. charisma.
b. power.
c. conformity.
d. pressure.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

54. Which of the following statements regarding power distribution research is INCORRECT?
a. Power distribution is visible in organizations.
b. Individuals ranked themselves higher than their coworkers did.
c. In comparing rankings given to managers with regard to their influence, there was general agreement on the top five but no agreement on the bottom five.
d. Research indicates the ability to rank managers by influence is a consistent practice in various industries and firms.
(c) Difficult/Analysis

55. Which of the following statements regarding the positive and negative consequences of power is INCORRECT?
a. Individuals are often quick to question the actions of those in power.
b. Powerful CEOs can align an organization to achieve goals.
c. The adage, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” seems to have some merit.
d. Power can corrupt and lead to the destruction of companies.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

56. People’s tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is
a. culture.
b. conformity.
c. power.
d. dependency.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

57. Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on conformity to authority is correct?
a. Participants believed they were engaged in an experiment on job design.
b. Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by the experimenter.
c. Several learners were treated for depression at the conclusion of the study.
d. The researcher/experimenter’s role was very important in obtaining group compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

58. Which of the following statements regarding the Asch studies is INCORRECT?
a. Most of the participants in the Asch groups were confederates.
b. A dissenting minority influenced the nature of response given by participants.
c. Conformity with an incorrect answer was attributed to the perception that some members of the group had more information regarding the correct choice.
d. A dissenting minority response caused the participants to give the correct answer only if that minority also gave the right answer.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

59. Which of the following statements regarding the Zimbardo study is correct?
a. The experimental guards received training before they were told to keep order.
b. The guards became abusive and aggressive, but the prisoners exhibited little reaction.
c. Study participants refused to adapt to their roles.
d. The Zimbardo study was ended early due to the participant’s deep entrenchment of the roles.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

60. The strategic contingencies model suggests
a. the more difficult it is find a substitute, the less power held by the person with the substitute.
b. the more unique your resource, the more power you will have.
c. the more vital the resources you control, the less power you hold.
d. the more dependent an individual is on another, the less power the one being depended on has in the situation.
(b) Difficult/Analysis

61. Mark is the only individual in his organization who speaks Spanish fluently. His firm just purchased a firm located in Mexico. Mark’s boss just told him how valuable he is to the firm. This scenario is an example of what factor in the strategic contingency model?
a. scarcity
b. dependent
c. independence
d. substitutability
(a) Medium/Application

62. The value of the resource is
a. its scarcity.
b. its substitutability.
c. its importance.
d. its dependency.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

63. The organizational behavior course has a project as a key requirement in the course. As part of the course’s evaluation, students must indicate which group member is the most valuable to the group. The designated individual will receive bonus points. Nick is the only one in his course project group who can create effective PowerPoint presentations. As the group’s presentation must feature a visual aid, Nick is very confident he will be chosen as the most valuable group member. Elizabeth just arrived at the group meeting with ideas for depicting colorful poster boards with the same information. The group was very enthusiastic about her novel ideas. This scenario demonstrates the impact ___________ has on the level of power one has.
a. importance
b. dependency
c. scarcity
d. substitutability
(d) Medium/Application

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