Thursday, November 14, 2019

Susan is a paramedic for the county ambulance service. Yesterday there was a terrible accident on the interstate when a bus carrying senior citizens to an Atlantic City

Which of the following is NOT an unrealistic assumption made in the rational decision making model?
a. People completely understand the decision to be made.
b. People know all their available choices.
c. People want to make optimal decisions.
d. People have perceptual biases.
(d) Medium/Analysis

71. The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is
a. satisficing.
b. analysis paralysis.
c. wildstorming.
d. anchoring.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

72. To satisfice is to
a. generate new ideas that are original, fluent and flexible.
b. set parameters against which all of the potential options can be evaluated.
c. accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria.
d. be influenced by the way in which problems are framed.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

73. Anita finishes her college semester on April 15. She will be home from April 15 until May 20 when she is scheduled to have her wisdom teeth removed. She will be going on a family vacation during the third week in July and will be returning to school on August 10 for majorette camp. Anita is looking for a job for the summer. She figures she will take the first job that pays minimum wage and will allow her flexibility for her dental appointment and vacation. Anita is making a decision using the
a. rational decision-making model.
b. bounded rationality decision-making model.
c. intuitive decision-making model.
d. creative decision-making model.
(b) Medium/Application

74. Susan is a paramedic for the county ambulance service. Yesterday there was a terrible accident on the interstate when a bus carrying senior citizens to an Atlantic City casino was struck by a small dump truck as the truck tried to change lanes. Fifteen of the bus riders were killed and 25 injured. As Susan arrived on the scene to perform triage on the accident victims, she quickly made decisions as to which victims needed immediate care and who could wait. Susan was using what decision-making model in making these stressful decisions?
a. bounded rationality model of decision making
b. creative decision-making model
c. intuitive decision-making model
d. rational decision-making model
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

75. Experts make decisions in the intuitive decision-making models based on all the following but
a. climate.
b. training.
c. experience.
d. knowledge.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

76. The incubation step in the creative decision-making process is
a. the step where the decision maker consciously thinks about the problem.
b. the step where the decision maker sets the problem aside and does not consciously think of it.
c. the step where the decision maker gains insight into the problem and has a “eureka” moment.
d. the step where the decision maker verifies the feasibility of the solution and implements the decision.
(b) Medium/Knowledge

77. Which of the following statements about the creative decision-making model is INCORRECT?
a. Creativity is the generation of new, imaginative ideas.
b. The dynamic nature of today’s organizations, including structural changes and cost cutting, have driven creativity in the business.
c. Problem identification is the first step in the creative decision making model.
d. Innovation and creativity are the same process.
(d) Medium/Analysis

78. Which of the following is the correct order of the phases in the creative decision-making model?
a. Problem identification, incubation, immersion, illumination, verification and application.
b. Problem identification, immersion, incubation, illumination, verification and application.
c. Problem identification, illumination, immersion, incubation, verification and application.
d. Problem identification, illumination, incubation, immersion, verification and application.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

79. All of the following are factors that researchers focus on to evaluate the level of creativity in the decision making process EXCEPT
a. fluency.
b. flexibility.
c. rationality.
d. originality.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

80. The creativity level evaluation factor of fluency is
a. how different the ideas are from one another.
b. the number of ideas a person is able to generate.
c. how unique a person’s ideas are.
d. the set number of ideas a group must reach.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

81. Experts propose that creativity occurs as a result of the interaction between all of the following factors EXCEPT
a. situational context (like physical structure).
b. personality traits (like risk-taking).
c. serendipity or luck.
d. attributes (like expertise).
(c) Medium/Comprehension

82. To enhance organizational creativity, a manager should consider focusing on all the following areas EXCEPT
a. team composition.
b. employee pay.
c. culture.
d. leadership.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

83. Which of the following is NOT a way to enhance organizational creativity?
a. Promote brainstorming as a way to generate ideas.
b. Make teams more homogeneous so as to reduce the possibility of conflict
c. Build a physical space conducive to creativity.
d. Role model creative behavior.
(b) Medium/Analysis

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