Thursday, November 14, 2019

The system where proposals at lower levels are signed and passed along to higher level

All of the following alternatives to downsizing are more ethical actions EXCEPT
a. early retirement programs.
b. outsourcing.
c. job sharing.
d. hiring freezes.
(b) Medium/Analysis

92. The system where proposals at lower levels are signed and passed along to higher level management in an effort to build consensus is the
a. boundaryless organization.
b. modular organization.
c. ringi system.
d. strategic alliance.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

93. Which of the following statements regarding structure and change around the world is correct?
a. France is relatively comfortable with change because it is low in uncertainty avoidance.
b. The United States is more likely to use rational persuasion as an influence tactic than China.
c. The United States is characterized by higher levels of centralization than firms in Singapore and Hong Kong.
d. Japanese organizations are largely decentralized as evidenced by their ringi system.
(b) Medium/Evaluation


94. Toyota’s production system is built on principles of _____ ___ __________ production

95. A culture of “never being satisfied” and rethinking how things are done facilitates __________ _____________
(continuous improvement or learning)

96. ____________ production requires harmonious relationships between Toyota and its suppliers.

97. ___________ ___________ refers to how individual work and team work are coordinated within an organization.
(Organization structure)

98. The degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated at higher levels in an organization is _____________.

99. An organization where policies, procedures, job descriptions and rules are written and explicitly articulated is ____________.

100. ____________structures are associated with reduced motivation and job satisfaction and a slower pace of decision making.

101. A firm with several layers of management between frontline employees and the top level has a __________ structure.

102. The number of employees reporting to a single manager is the ________ ____ ________.
(span of control)

103. A firm that has departments for finance, manufacturing, human resources, accounting, and marketing is an organization in a ___________ structure.

104. A pharmaceutical company with medical devices, consumer products, baby care, and health supplements as its departments is organized as a _____________ structure.
(divisional or product)

105. _________ structures are most effective for organizations that do not have large numbers of products.

106. ___________ structures are highly formalized and centralized.

107. A flexible, decentralized structure with low levels of formalization where communication lines are more fluid is a(n) __________ structure.

108. __________ organizations, which combine functional structures with product structures, violate the unity of command principle.

109. A ___________organization is a type of boundaryless organization where all nonessential functions are outsourced. Toyota is one such organization.

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