Thursday, November 14, 2019

Indra Nooyi has proven to be an effective leader for PepsiCo since she took over the firm in 2006.

 Indra Nooyi has proven to be an effective leader for PepsiCo since she took over the firm in 2006. She exhibits all of the following leadership qualities EXCEPT
a. vision.
b. charisma.
c. proven track record in the industry.
d. laid-back performance standards and style.
(d) Medium/Analysis

37. The act of influencing others toward a goal is
a. leadership.
b. charisma.
c. power.
d. motivation.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

38. Leaders who hold a position of authority and utilize the power that comes from their position as well as personal power to influence others are called
a. informal leaders.
b. transformational leaders.
c. formal leaders.
d. charismatic leaders.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

Section I:  Who is a Leader?  Trait Approaches to Leadership

39. The earliest approach to the study of leadership was
a. the trait approach.
b. the behavioral approach.
c. the transactional approach.
d. the transformational approach.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

40. The trait approach to leadership examines all of the following factors EXCEPT
a. psychological attributes.
b. behaviors.
c. personality characteristics.
d. physical characteristics.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

41. All of the following are examples of the Big 5 Personality traits EXCEPT
a. openness.
b. extraversion.
c. intelligence.
d. agreeableness.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

42. Which of the following statements regarding intelligence is INCORRECT?
a. One’s intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership performance.
b. People with high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment.
c. Effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence as well as high mental intelligence.
d. IQ matters for entry into the high level managerial ranks, but once there, IQ is less effective since all others at that level also possess high IQ.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

43. Jien has the ability to control his emotions in multiple situations and has empathy for others; he is internally motivated and has many admirable social skills. Jien has
a. high mental intelligence.
b. high emotional intelligence.
c. low mental intelligence.
d. low emotional intelligence.
(b) Medium/Application

44. Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable are characteristics of the personality trait
a. openness.
b. agreeableness.
c. extraversion.
d. conscientiousness.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

45. Openness is
a. being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations.
b. being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm.
c. being curious, original, intellectual, creative and receptive to new ideas.
d. being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

46. Being anxious, irritable, temperamental and moody is
a. anxiety.
b. neuroticism.
c. anger.
d. aggressiveness.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

47. Being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm is
a. agreeableness.
b. extraversion.
c. conscientiousness.
d. openness.

48. Extraversion is
a. being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas.
b. being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented and dependable.
c. being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm.
d. being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

49. Maria is part of an organizational behavior project group. Her group members chose her as the leader of the group because she is always on task, on time for meetings, sets achievable goals and is willing to assist anyone who needs help.  Maria is
a. agreeable.
b. extraverted.
c. conscientious.
d. open.
(c) Medium/Application

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