Thursday, November 14, 2019

To ensure all cast members share the history of Walt Disney World, new hires at the resort must take the courses on traditions at Disney

Companies that are collaborative and emphasize cooperation among employees have a(n) __________ _________ culture.
a. people-oriented
b. outcome-oriented
c. detail-oriented
d. team-oriented
(d) Easy/Comprehension

68. A company with a stable culture is
a. flexible, adaptable, and experiments with new ideas.
b. predictable, rule-oriented, and bureaucratic.
c. achievement-oriented, results-oriented, and action-oriented.
d. fair, supportive, and respects individual rights.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

69. A culture that emphasizes precision and paying attention to details is
a. a service culture.
b. an aggressive culture.
c. a detail-oriented culture.
d. an outcome-oriented culture.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

70. Those who emphasize achievement, results and action create a(n) _________ __________ culture in their organizations.
a. outcome-oriented
b. team-oriented
c. detail-oriented
d. people-oriented
(a) Easy/Comprehension

71. Which of the following statements regarding culture dimensions is INCORRECT?
a. Employees tend to stay longer in people-oriented cultures.
b. Outcome-oriented cultures hold managers accountable for success, but not other employees.
c. In team-oriented cultures, managers have more positive relationships with their subordinates than in other cultures.
d. Proactive behavior tends to emerge often in service companies.
(b) Medium/Evaluation

72. To ensure all cast members share the history of Walt Disney World, new hires at the resort must take the courses on traditions at Disney. With these classes, the Walt Disney Company is creating a
a. weak culture.
b. counterculture.
c. strong culture.
d. subculture.
(c) Medium/Analysis

73. Strong cultures
a. facilitate the changes that must occur in firms during mergers and acquisitions.
b. outperform weak cultures regardless of the volatility of the environment.
c. are no more difficult to change than weak cultures.
d. are evidenced by consensus among employees on the values of the company.
(d) Medium/Evaluation

74. A defined set of values unique to a limited cross-section of the organization is
a. a subculture.
b. a counterculture.
c. a strong culture.
d. a service culture.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

75. The marketing department at Langston Industries meets once a week for a pizza luncheon after which the marketing manager holds his weekly “venting session” where department members can express their concerns about what is going right and wrong in the department and firm. The finance department, on the other hand, never meets. The finance manager simply sends emails to his subordinates each Monday with a list of the items to be accomplished each week and tries to get around to seeing each individual sometime during the week for any questions the employee might have. Langston appears to have _________ in its organization.
a. countercultures
b. subcultures
c. onboarding
d. strong cultures
(b) Medium/Application

76. The culture of Altmira Corporation is characterized by participative decision making, innovation and openness. The accounting department, however, is run using authoritarian decision making to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.  Accounting manager Gordon Paul believes in tight control to prevent errors. The accounting department’s culture could be classified as a
a. strong culture.
b. weak culture.
c. subculture.
d. counterculture.
(d) Medium/Application

77. Shared values and beliefs that are in direct opposition to the values of the broader organizational culture represent a
a. strong culture.
b. weak culture.
c. subculture.
d. counterculture.
(d) Easy/Comprehension

78. Which of the following statements regarding culture in organizations is INCORRECT?
a. Multiple subcultures can exist in a single organization.
b. Subcultures arise in a firm due to personal characteristics of managers and employees and the different conditions under which work is performed.
c. Countercultures are never tolerated by an organization once they are identified.
d. Employee perceptions on subcultures are related to employee commitment to the organization.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

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