Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oprah Winfrey has tremendous charisma and is adored by many fans. Oprah has ____________ power.

In countries with high power distance
a. decisions are sometimes based on loyalty, not performance.
b. it is unclear who is in power.
c. people expect small differences in pay.
d. people perceive inequity to be inherently wrong.
(a) Medium/Analysis

118. Which of the following statements is correct about power distance?
a. Leaders in high power distance countries emphasize equality and opportunity for everyone.
b. In low power distance countries leaders are not to “stand out too much” from the rest of their firms.
c. Organizations in low power distance countries are more hierarchical in nature than in high power distance countries.
d. In high power distance countries formal review mechanisms are in place to give everyone a fair chance at pay raises.
(b) Medium/Analysis

119. Which of the following statements regarding the perceptions of power in countries is INCORRECT?
a. A country’s culture determines how people will attempt to influence each other.
b. In Mexico, which has a higher power distance dimension than in the United States, lower level managers were unable to make decisions on behalf of their bosses.
c. Rational persuasion is seen as more effective in the United States than in China.
d. Chinese managers rated influence tactics like coalitions lower than their American counterparts.
(d) Medium/Analysis


120. _______________ is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want.

121. People’s tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is __________.

122. The __________studies looked at conformity and authority by having participants shock learners when those learners provided an INCORRECT response.

123. Individuals could be influenced to say that two lines were the same length when one was clearly shorter than the other due to conformity in the _________ studies.

124. The ___________ study was stopped early because participants and the experimenter became too entrenched in their roles of aggressive jail guard and helpless prisoner.

125. When discussing dependency, the concept of ___________ means the uniqueness of a resource.

126. To determine how dependent you are on someone you need to assess three key factors— ___________, ____________, and ____________.
(scarcity, importance, substitutability)

127. Power derived from one’s role in the organization is ______________ power.

128. A manager possesses ___________ power because he can provide you an increase in pay or a promotion.

129. Punishing someone for noncompliance, as a parent does to a child when the child does not clean her room, is an example of __________ power.

130. __________ power comes from knowledge and skills such as the long-time employee who knows everything about company history and procedures.

131. When negotiations are going on, the person computing the numbers to determine if a requested pay increase can be given possesses _________ power.

132. Oprah Winfrey has tremendous charisma and is adored by many fans. Oprah has ____________ power.

133. When we try to get others to do what we want, we are using _________.

134. The influence tactic used most frequently is __________ __________ in the United States.
(rational persuasion)

135. When an influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt, the influence attempt response of ____________ is occurring.

136. The influence attempt response______________ occurs when the target not only agrees to the request but also actively supports it as well.

137. The influence tactic that uses facts, data and logical arguments is ___________ __________.
(rational persuasion)

138. The influence tactic that seeks to tap into your values, emotions and beliefs is ____________ _________.
(inspirational appeals)

139. The influence tactic that causes you to help another person because you like him or her and he or she asked for your help is _________ ___________.
(personal appeal)

140. _____________ is the influence tactic that uses flattery or other forms of making others feel good about themselves.

141. The influence tactic where there is give and take such that if someone does something for you, you do something for them is called ___________.

142. Exerting undue influence on someone to do what you want or else something undesirable will occur is the __________ influence tactic.

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