Thursday, November 14, 2019

The tendency for people to focus on television ads that say, “Medicine X is 60% effective in reducing symptoms”

The tendency for people to focus on television ads that say, “Medicine X is 60% effective in reducing symptoms” does not look at the fact that that statement means that “Medicine X fails to reduce those symptoms 40% of the time.” This tendency is called ____________ ____________.
(framing bias)

127. The old adage, “Don’t throw good money after bad” is another way to describe the decision-making trap of ____________ _______ ____________ also known as the “sunken costs fallacy.”
(escalation of commitment)

128. Research suggests that _____________ decision making offers fewer ideas than ________ decision making.
(individual, group)

129. ___________ is the group pressure phenomenon that increases the risk of the group making flawed decisions by leading to a reduction in mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment.

130. One of the symptoms of ________ is the illusion of invulnerability that is shared by all group members and creates excessive optimism and encourages them to take extreme risks.

131. The ________ _________ ____________ is a tool designed to help group decision making by ensuring that all members participate fully.
(nominal group technique)

132. The __________ ________ is a group process using written responses to a series of questionnaires instead of physically bringing individuals together to make a decision.
(Delphi technique)

133. When the goal is to gain support for a particular idea or plan of action, the _______ form of decision should be used as it is inclusive, participatory, cooperative and democratic in nature.

134. An interactive computer-based system that combines communication and decision technologies to help groups make better decisions is a _________ _____________ __________ _____________.
(group decision support system)

135. A ___________ ____________ is a diagram where answers to yes or no questions lead decision makers to address additional questions until they reach the end of the tree.
(decision tree)

136. In Japan, nemawashi refers to building _______________ within a group before a decision is made.

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