Friday, November 15, 2019

Marcus is a student at State University. He seems to run to each of his classes and is very upset with the professor if class

Research on stress in the workplace indicates all of the following EXCEPT
a. stress is related to higher turnover.
b. stress is related to decreased job performance.
c. stress is related to lower job commitment.
d. stress is related to higher organizational citizenship behaviors.
(d) Medium/Analysis

72. Marcus is a student at State University. He seems to run to each of his classes and is very upset with the professor if class does not begin exactly on time. He studies until the late hours of the night and will argue with his professor for every possible point on a multiple choice exam. Marcus would be classified as having
a. Type A personality.
b. Type B personality.
c. pessimistic personality.
d. neurotic personality.
(a) Medium/Application

73. Anita seems to take life as it comes. When the refrigerator and washing machine broke down in the same day flooding the kitchen, she laughed it off saying, “It could always be worse.” She then went and called the appliance repair service. Anita has a _________________ personality.
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. pessimistic.
d. neurotic
(b) Medium/Application

74. A Type B personality displays which of the following characteristics?
a. impatience.
b. deep levels of job involvement.
c. high level competitiveness
d. logical decision making.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

75. Research on individual differences in the type of stress experienced by employees indicates all of the following EXCEPT
a. babies may be predisposed to a more stressful life from birth if mothers experience a great deal of stress during pregnancy.
b. due to their stronger social networks, women process stress more effectively than men.
c. men become depressed more often than women.
d. individuals with Type A personalities are more likely to experience negative organizational outcomes.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

76. Research on crying as a stress reliever suggests
a. the old adage is true: “Let it all out with a good cry.”
b. criers are less depressed, less anxious and less tired than those who wept less.
c. crying is much more successful than humor at combating stress.
d. crying may intensify negative feelings because it is a social signal that the individual weeping is very upset.
(d) Medium/Evaluation

The “corporate athlete approach” to stress is
a. a reactive approach to the problem
b. to avoid challenges so as not to be overwhelmed by them.
c. to train mind and body to perform at peak levels by using better nutrition, and positive action.
d. a technique to change eustress into distress.
(c) Medium/Comprehension

78. Flow is
a. applying the principles of athletic performance to workplace performance.
b. a state of consciousness where a person is totally absorbed in an activity.
c. the regulation of feelings and expressions for organizational purposes.
d. ongoing negative emotional states resulting from dissatisfaction.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

79. Gordon is not focused on his work but has a great deal of energy. He is most likely to
a. be disengaged at work.
b. be distracted at work.
c. be a procrastinator.
d. be totally absorbed in work.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis

80. A manager with low focus and low energy would
a. procrastinate at work.
b. be distracted at work.
c. be disengaged at work.
d. be totally absorbed in work.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation

81. Work that flows
a. offers opportunities for a large number of breaks.
b. offers the employee little opportunity to comment on the task at hand.
c. offers high pay.
d. offers opportunities to use skills possessed by the employee.
(d) Medium/Comprehension

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