Friday, November 15, 2019

The department managers for Zylog Corporation are meeting for a budget meeting. If the marketing manager gets the 6% increase

Negotiation is
a. the process that involves bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a binding decision.
b. the process that involves two people disagreeing.
c. the process where a third party enters a situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement.
d. the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

83. Which of the following is the first phase of the negotiation process?
a. investigation
b. presentation
c. determining BATNA
d. bargaining
(a) Easy/Knowledge

84. During which phase of the negotiation process does an individual assemble the information gathered in such a manner that his position is supported?
a. investigation
b. determining the BATNA
c. bargaining
d. presentation
(d) Easy/Comprehension

85. The investigation phase of the negotiation process involves
a. understanding what your alternatives are.
b. gathering information.
c. making concessions.
d. agreeing on terms.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

86. Which of the following statements regarding to the first phase of the negotiation process, investigation, is INCORRECT?
a. Investigation is the phase of the negotiation process that is often ignored.
b. Focus on the party with whom you are negotiating first and then analyze yourself.
c. The investigation phase of negotiation is designed to gather information.
d. The investigation phase necessitates a clear understanding of priorities.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation

87. The BATNA is
a. the first phase of the negotiation process.
b. a delaying tactic in negotiation.
c. important to assisting you in deciding whether to accept an offer or not.
d. the process of making concessions in negotiation.
(c) Medium/Analysis

88. All of the following statements are correct with regard to determining your BATNA EXCEPT
a. The party with the best BATNA is in the best negotiating position.
b. You must determine your own BATNA but there is little you can do with regard to the BATNA of the party with whom you are negotiating.
c. Assessing the best alternative to a negotiated agreement assists you in deciding whether to accept an offer.
d. The reason you negotiate is to obtain something better than what you would obtain without negotiating, so know your alternatives.
(b) Difficult/Evaluation

89. Which of the following statements regarding the bargaining phase of negotiation is correct?
a. The bargaining phase gets the least amount of attention during the negotiation process.
b. Making concessions during the negotiation process is a sign of weakness.
c. A key to the bargaining phase is asking questions.
d. This is the phase of negotiation where you determine your BATNA.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

90. Which of the following statements regarding the closure phase of negotiations is INCORRECT?
a. Closure is the phase of the negotiation process where you either have come to an agreement or walk away from an unacceptable offer.
b. Rejection of an offer during closure can be an opportunity to learn.
c. It is not always clear why an agreement has not been reached during negotiation.
d. If the best offer in a negotiation has been rejected, there is nothing left to do.
(d) Medium/Analysis

91. The department managers for Zylog Corporation are meeting for a budget meeting. If the marketing manager gets the 6% increase he is requesting, the human resource manager will not get any increase in his department budget.  This is an example of what kind of negotiation strategy?
a. integrative approach
b. accommodating approach
c. distributive approach
d. concession approach
(c) Medium/Application

92. If both parties to a budget negotiation seek to expand the overall budget so that each party gets more, this is an example of which kind of negotiation strategy?
a. integrative approach
b. accommodating approach
c. distributive approach
d. concession approach
(a) Medium/Application

93. The first step to an integrative approach to negotiation is
a. listening.
b. exploring options to achieving goals.
c. adopting a cooperative stance.
d. adopting an adversarial stance.
(c) Medium/Analysis

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