Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, “Do you want to make a difference in this world

Power that comes from knowledge and skill is
a. expert power.
b. referent power.
c. legitimate power.
d. reward power.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

77. Attempting to get others to do what we want is
a. commitment.
b. power.
c. charisma.
d. influence.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

78. The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is
a. power.
b. influence.
c. charisma.
d. commitment.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

79. According to surveys, the most frequently used influence tactic is
a. personal appeals.
b. rational persuasion.
c. legitimating.
d. pressure.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

80. Mike was playing video games. His mother came downstairs and said, “Mike, your room is a mess. I want you to go upstairs right now and clean it up or you will not be able to go out on Saturday.” Mike wanted to finish his game but saved it instead and went to clean his room. Mike has responded to Mom’s influence attempt with
a. compliance.
b. resistance.
c. commitment.
d. exchange.
(a) Medium/Application

81. When a target agrees to a request and actively supports it, the target’s response is
a. resistance.
b. compliance.
c. commitment.
d. conformity.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

82. The college organization president spoke to her members noting that the organization needed monetary donations to reach their goals. She cited numerous reasons why the money was needed and encouraged all members to call alumni members of the group for such donations. She suggested that the group members remind the alumni of the organization’s importance and their ties to that group. John dislikes asking anyone for money and decided not to make the calls. John is responding to the president’s influence tactics with
a. resistance.
b. conformity.
c. compliance.
d. commitment.
(a) Medium/Application

83. When the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt, they are exhibiting
a. conformity.
b. compliance.
c. commitment.
d. resistance.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

84. The school district negotiator notes during contract negotiations with the teachers’ union that the district cannot afford a 3% wage increase. The district negotiator presents the current expenditure budget, the projected tax revenue and state contributions, and the currently increasing unemployment rate in the community’s tax base as evidence of the lack of extra money for the increases.  The district negotiator is attempting to convince the teachers’ negotiator to pull back his demands using
a. inspirational appeals.
b. pressure.
c. rational persuasion.
d. personal appeals.
(c) Medium/Application

85. The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, “Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won’t you consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new direction by taking part in Teach for America.” The representative is using the _______________ influence tactic.
a. rational persuasion
b. personal appeal
c. inspirational appeal
d. pressure
(c) Difficult/Application

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