Thursday, November 14, 2019

Maurice is a manager in the production area of a large manufacturing firm

Maurice is a manager in the production area of a large manufacturing firm. He sets a tight production schedule every day and makes certain each employee knows what job he is performing that day and how to perform it. Maurice has a ____________ leadership style.
a. directive
b. supportive
c. participative
d. achievement-oriented
(a) Difficult/Application

81. Nina makes it a point to talk to her subordinates every day about what is going on in their personal lives. She always congratulates them when they share successes and has a kind word and “a shoulder to cry on” if necessary when things are not going well. Nina has a _____________ leadership style.
a. directive
b. supportive
c. participative
d. achievement-oriented
(b) Difficult/Application

82. Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have a(n) _________________ leadership style.
a. achievement-oriented
b. supportive
c. directive
d. participative
(d) Medium/Comprehension

83. An achievement-oriented leader
a. makes sure employees are involved in decision making.
b. provides directions for his employees.
c. provides emotional support to employees.
d. sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach their goals.
(d) Medium/Knowledge

84. In which scenario would directive leadership be most effective?
a. when employees have low role ambiguity
b. when employees have high abilities
c. when employees have an internal locus of control
d. when employees have an external locus of control
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

85. If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective.
a. supportive
b. achievement oriented
c. directive
d. participative
(a) Medium/Knowledge

86. The information system department’s employees are highly skilled individuals who possess a very internal locus of control. The firm is looking to hire a manager for the department to replace the retiring manager. What type of leadership style would likely be most effective with this group?
a. supportive
b. achievement-oriented
c. directive
d. participative
(d) Medium/Analysis

87. Which of the statements regarding research on House’s path-goal theory is correct?
a. House’s theory suggests that the leader’s style is fixed and the environment changes.
b. The theory has been fully tested and verified.
c. The theory’s greatest contribution is the importance of the leader’s ability to change styles depending on the circumstances.
d. House’s theory is based upon goal-setting theory.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

88. The leadership decision tree
a. focuses on a static leadership style.
b. focuses on leader emergence.
c. focuses on an adaptive leadership style.
d. leads to the determination of how much involvement leaders should seek in making decisions.
(d) Medium/Comprehension

89. According to the leadership decision tree, a leader who makes a decision alone using available information has a(n)
a. autocratic decision-making style.
b. consultative decision-making style.
c. group decision-making style.
d. laissez-faire decision-making style.
(a) Medium/Analysis

90. Bob meets with his subordinates on a regular basis to share concerns and information with the group. He takes their feedback but makes decisions on his own. According to the leadership decision tree, Bob has a(n) _____________ decision-making style.
a. laissez-faire
b. consultative
c. group
d. autocratic
(b) Medium/Analysis

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