Friday, November 15, 2019

Michael is part of an organizational behavior project group. The group decided on the overall theme of its project and individual members

Tuckman’s forming stage is characterized by
a. uncertainty, with observant, conflict avoidant group members who are trying to achieve several goals at once.
b. competent group members who work interdependently as part of a greater entity.
c. chaos with group members exploring power and influence roles.
d. high energy with group members committed to each other and the overall goal.
(a) Medium/Evaluation

52. The norming stage in Tuckman’s model of group evolution features
a. uncertainty, with observant, conflict avoidant group members who are trying to achieve several goals at once.
b. competent group members who work interdependently as part of a greater entity.
c. chaos with group members exploring power and influence roles.
d. high energy with group members committed to each other and the overall goal.
(d) Medium/Evaluation

53. Tuckman’s five stage group evolution model asks which of the following questions in the performing stage?
a. Are we using appropriate information on this task?
b. Will I be accepted?  
c. Why do I have to listen to you?
d. Can you help me plan this project?
(a) Medium/Evaluation

54. Which of the following questions might be asked during the norming stage of Tuckman’s five-stage group evolution model?
a. Are we using appropriate means to address differences so that conflicts can be avoided?
b. Will I be successful at completing this task?  
c. I wonder what the other people in this group are like?
d. Can you help me with this section of the project?
(a) Easy/Evaluation

55. Group members in the norming stage
a. not only get the work done, but they also pay greater attention to how they are doing it.
b. begin to explore their power and influence.
c. find it easy to establish their own ground rules.
d. try to figure out who likes whom.
(c) Medium/Analysis

56. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the forming stage of group development?
a. Leadership does not matter at this stage.
b. Group members are trying to learn about one another.
c. Group members are cohesive and cooperative.
d. Group members are trying to clarify what needs to be done and who needs to do it.
(b) Easy/Analysis

57. All of the following statements characterize a group at the storming stage EXCEPT
a. the group is competent, autonomous, and insightful.
b. the group’s members are forming cliques
c. the group members are argumentative.
d. group discussions may be heated.
(a) Easy/Analysis

58. Michael is part of an organizational behavior project group. The group decided on the overall theme of its project and individual members are now completing specific sections of the project. Michael has been e-mailing Rachel almost every day asking her opinion on various parts of his section. The group tends to sit together in class and they have even decided to go out for coffee after class next Tuesday. What phase of group development is Michael’s group in?
a. storming
b. adjourning
c. forming
d. performing
(d) Medium/Synthesis

59. Jennifer has been very emphatic in her comments supporting the new addition to the product line. Christopher has been equally spirited in his opposition to the new item. Gordon and Antonio seem to be leaning to Jennifer’s perspective while Marques supports Christopher. The discussion about the product has consumed the last hour of the meeting of the marketing group. At what stage of Tuckman’s model does this group seem to be functioning?
a. forming.
b. storming.
c. norming.
d. performing.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

60. Which of the following is NOT a recommended step to take to avoid getting stuck in the storming phase of Tuckman’s group development?
a. Make sure to limit discussions and discussants. It is not productive to re-hash all the same points over and over.
b. Do not rush the group’s development. It takes time to get things right.
c. Normalize conflict. Conflict is normal and can be cathartic.
d. Support all group members. Do not allow anyone to feel insecure as he or she operates in the group.
(a) Easy/Analysis

61. Which of the following statements regarding Gersick’s punctuated equilibrium model is INCORRECT?
a. The model views group development as a linear process.
b. Generally groups are static in their orientation.
c. For most periods of time in groups, change is incremental.
d. While disruption, chaos and conflict are seen as inevitable in a group, those events can represent opportunities for innovation.
(a) Difficult/Comprehension

62. According to Gersick’s punctuated equilibrium model, groups repeatedly cycle through which two stages?
a. storming and norming.
b. forming and performing.
c. forming and norming.
d. storming and performing.
(d) Easy/Comprehension

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