Thursday, November 14, 2019

What is the first step in increasing the chances of success in effecting a cultural change?

Which of the following statements regarding visual elements of culture is INCORRECT?
a. Stories highlight critical events faced or heroic efforts put forth by individual employees to instill cultural values in employees.
b. Employee handbooks are developed to convey rules which determine acceptable and unacceptable behavior in an organization.
c. Repetitive activities in an organization, like weekly meetings opened with calisthenics, have symbolic meaning to employees.
d. While physical layouts impact motivational levels in employees, they do little to convey the firm’s culture to those employees.
(d) Medium/Synthesis

Section IV:  Creating Culture Change

103. What is the first step in increasing the chances of success in effecting a cultural change?
a. creating a sense of urgency
b. role modeling
c. changing the reward system
d. changing key players
(a) Easy/Comprehension

104. What is the final step in a successful cultural change process?
a. training
b. role modeling
c. changing the reward system
d. creating new stories and symbols
(d) Medium/Comprehension

105. Which of the following statements with regard to steps to effecting successful cultural change is INCORRECT?
a. Renaming a firm and creating a new logo for it enables cultural change and ensures the communication of the new value system.
b. Replacing the staff employees who formerly supported a departed CEO can ensure the establishment of a new value system in a firm.
c. Slowly conveying information on a “need-to-know basis” only to employees ensures the firm establishment of a new value system for the firm.
d. Thoughtfully developed, well administered training programs help establish new corporate norms of behavior.
(c) Difficult/Synthesis

Section V:  The Role of Ethics and National Culture

106. Studies indicate that the most influential factor in creating an ethical culture is
a. the reward system.
b. the training program.
c. leadership.
d. the attraction-selection-attrition process.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

107. Which of the following statements regarding the impact of national culture on the culture of domestic firms is correct?
a. The harmonious culture of Japan is likely to lead to the establishment of more team-oriented corporate cultures in Japanese firms.
b. The hierarchical orientation in Brazilian culture is likely to produce Brazilian companies with flat corporate structures.
c. The high power distance culture of Arab countries is likely to produce people-oriented cultures in Arab companies.
d. National culture has little impact on domestic firms.
(a) Difficult/Evaluation


108. The system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs that show employees what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior is ______________ ___________.
(organizational culture)

109. Beliefs about human nature and reality that are below the awareness level are ___________.

110. The corner office is an example of a cultural _____________.

111. Cultures that are flexible, adaptable and experiment with new ideas are __________ cultures.

112. ________ ________ value competitiveness and outperforming competitors and may not feature corporate social responsibility.
(Aggressive cultures)

113. Cultures that value fairness, supportiveness and respecting individual’s rights are ____________ _________ ____________.
(people-oriented cultures)

114. ___________ cultures are predictable, rule-oriented and bureaucratic.

115. Firms that emphasize achievement, results and action are _______ _______ cultures.

116. Emphasis on precision and paying attention to details characterize a ______ _________ culture.

117. A ___________ culture is one that is shared by organization members and is very difficult to alter in any business situations like mergers or acquisitions.

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