Friday, November 15, 2019

American Express used a technique called _________ _______ to identify its employees’ feelings about their work.

 American Express used a technique called _________ _______ to identify its employees’ feelings about their work.
(emotional resonance)

115. ________ is the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.

116. The _______________ is the region of the brain responsible for stimulating fear responses.

117. The _____________ _____________ _____________ is a hypothesis by Hans Selye that suggests that stress plays a general role in disease by exhausting the body’s immune system.
(General Adaptation Syndrome)

118. “Fight or flight” is the reaction to an outside stressor in the first phase, or ____________ phase of stress.

119. During the resistance phase of stress, the body begins to release _________ and draws on fat and sugar reserves to adjust to the demands of stress.

120. The stressor has significantly weakened the individual during the ___________ phase of stress.

121. ________ _______ refers to a vagueness as to what your responsibilities are.
(Role ambiguity)

122. Maggie’s boss wants her to complete the department project by next week. Her team leader for the corporate project wants her to travel to New York in the next few days to work on that item. Maggie is experiencing _____ ____________.
(role conflict)

123. Having insufficient time and resources to complete a job is called ______ _________.
(role overload)

124. You are at the computer working on the Internet gathering information for your term paper, your cell phone is ringing, you are receiving emails and the television is on. You are likely experiencing __________ _____________.
(information overload)

125. Flexible scheduling is one approach to addressing _________-______ conflict.

126. _________ is “good” stress experienced for such events as an outstanding personal achievement or getting married.

127. Nancy is always impatient. She seems to run around the office completing this task and that. She is always the first one to work and the last to leave. Nancy has a ________ ___ personality.
(Type A)

128. The state of consciousness when an individual is totally absorbed by an activity is ____________.

129. Two individual lifestyle choices that one can make to try to decrease feelings of stress include:  ____________ and ______________.
(diet, exercise, sleep, time management, social support network)

130. _____________ is working remotely from home or some other locale during a portion of the workweek.

131. A practice that has been widely used by universities that provides paid time off from the normal routine of work is called a ______________.

132. Individuals who are experiencing substance abuse problems may seek help provided by their firms but offered through an outside source in an  _____________ _____________ program.
(Employee assistance)

133. Positive emotions include __________, _______ and ___________.
(joy, love, surprise)

134. _____, ______, and ______ are examples of negative emotions.
(anger, fear, and sadness)

135. The _______ _______ Theory explores how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different emotions.
(Affective Events)

136. When a hair cutter smiles even though the young child whose hair she is cutting is crying and squirming, the hair cutting is exhibiting __________.
(surface acting)

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