Friday, November 15, 2019

It is finals week at State University and Agnes has five finals in three days. What phase of the stress process is she experiencing in each of the scenarios below?

What is Camden Property Trust’s motto:
a. Have fun!
b. Work hard!
c. Money is the most important thing!
d. You can never work too hard!
(a) Medium/Comprehension

Section I:  What is Stress?

41. Stress is
a. a fact of nature.
b. decreasing in the American workplace.
c. a mental barrier, but not a physical one.
d. always negative.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

42. Which of the following is not a type of response to stress?
a. physical
b. mental
c. emotional
d. societal
(d) Easy/Knowledge

43. General Adaptive Syndrome is
a. how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different emotions.
b. the hypothesis that stress plays a general role in disease.
c. the body’s response to good news.
d. the mismatch among emotions, attitudes, beliefs and behavior.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

44. Which region of the brain is responsible for stimulating the fear response?
a. hippocampus
b. basal ganglia
c. temporal lobe
d. amygdala
(d) Easy/Knowledge

45. Hans Selye’s work on stress suggests all the following physical diseases could result from stress EXCEPT:
a. high blood pressure.
b. infertility.
c. depression.
d. ulcers.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

46. In what stress phase does the body release cortisol and begin to adjust to the demands of the stress?
a. alarm phase
b. exhaustion phase
c. adaptation phase
d. resistance phase
(d) Medium/Knowledge

47. Fight or flight responses include all of the following physical aspects but
a. wide-eye focus.
b. digestion interruption.
c. decreased heart rate.
d. shallow breathing.
(c) Medium/Knowledge

It is finals week at State University and Agnes has five finals in three days. What phase of the stress process is she experiencing in each of the scenarios below?

48. Agnes just went through the kitchen cupboards and found a chocolate bar loaded with caramel. She is experiencing the
a. exhaustion phase.
b. alarm phase.
c. resistance phase.
d. adaptation phase.
(a) Medium/Application

49. Agnes glances at the clock and notes it is three hours until her first final of the week. She still has two chapters to study. She feels a slight pain in the pit of her stomach. Agnes is experiencing symptoms of what stress phase?
a. exhaustion phase
b. alarm phase
c. resistance phase
d. stressor phase
(b) Medium/Application

50. Which of the following statements about the stress process is correct?
a. The amygdala area of the brain is key to managing stress as it helps distinguish the different reactions to deadlines and emergencies.
b. Reactions to stress are mental but not physical in their orientation.
c. Jans Kelly’s General Adaptation Syndrome is a well-substantiated approach to dealing with stress in the workplace.
d. Eustress is stress that is healing.
(d) Medium/Comprehension

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