Thursday, November 14, 2019

Managers at a pharmaceutical research and development firm have checkbooks that they carry around with them as they monitor their subordinates

Which of the following is correct regarding aspects of the strategic contingency model?
a. If the resources you control are vital to the organization, you will be viewed as a threat to the others and will have less job security.
b. If there is a clear substitute that exists, the level of power held is greater.
c. The more difficult something is to obtain, the less value it tends to have.
d. The more dependent you are on another, the less power you have.
(d) Medium/Analysis.

Section II:  The Power to Influence

65. A professor assigns grades due to _________ power.
a. coercive
b. referent
c. reward
d. legitimate
(d) Medium/Application

66. Managers at a pharmaceutical research and development firm have checkbooks that they carry around with them as they monitor their subordinates. If a manager notes outstanding behavior by a subordinate, they can write the high-level performer a check on the spot. This is an example of the manager’s ___________ power.
a. referent
b. reward
c. expert power
d. information
(b) Medium/Application

67. Whitt Company made a substantial monetary offer to Bob to leave his design job at Lincoln Industries and come to work at Whitt. The Whitt CEO, on hearing some complaints from members of the Whitt Board of Directors about the size of Bob’s pay package, responded, “Bob is one of the few people in the industry who really understands what the customer wants and can design it into the product.”  Bob has ____________ power.
a. expert
b. legitimate
c. referent
d. legitimate
(a) Medium/Application

68. Professor Lamb is a fabulous speaker—funny, topical, and very knowledgeable about his subject. His classes are always filled as soon as they open for scheduling and the waiting list to get into them is long. Students never miss his class and they highly recommend him to their friends. Graduate students want to study with him to learn his techniques. Professor Lamb has ___________ power.
a. coercive
b. legitimate
c. referent
d. reward
(c) Medium/Application

69. Al Dunlap was recognized as a turnaround artist for firms experiencing financial and performance difficulties. When Dunlap arrived at a firm, downsizing usually followed. Dunlap received the nickname, “Chainsaw Al” due to his cost-cutting abilities. When Dunlap arrived at a firm he would recommend major restructuring and though they were not supportive of his tactics, his managers implemented his plan. Dunlap had ___________ power.
a. legitimate
b. likability
c. referent
d. informational
(a) Medium/Application

70. When negotiating a deal on the purchase of a new automobile, Bradley had manufacturing cost data from his neighbor who worked for the car manufacturer.  Bradley got himself a good deal on his purchase due to his ___________ power in the negotiation.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. information
d. coercive
(c) Medium/Application

71. Access to specific knowledge or skills is _______________ power.
a. expert
b. information
c. referent
d. reward
(b) Easy/Comprehension

72. The ability to grant an increase in pay, a perk, or an attractive job assignment is ___________ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. expert
d. reward
(d) Easy/Comprehension

73. Coercive power
a. is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.
b. is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.
c. stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we respect and want to be like them.
d. stems from one’s organizational role or position.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

74. Referent power
a. is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.
b. is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.
c. stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we respect and want to be like them.
d. stems from one’s organizational role or position.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

75. Power that comes from one’s organizational role or position is
a. expert power.
b. referent power.
c. legitimate power.
d. information power.
(c) Easy/Comprehension

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