Friday, November 15, 2019

List the steps of the management by objectives (MBO) approach. Explain when goals are more effective.Write a SMART goal.

Write a SMART goal.

To eliminate 25% of the solid waste from US stores by the year 2015 (Wal-Mart)

140. Why do goals motivate?

Goals give us direction. The goals tell you what to focus on; so they should be set carefully. Employee goals should be aligned with company goals.

Goals energize employees. Even if you are tired of working toward a goal, having a specific goal in mind energizes you.

Goals present challenges. When goals are set and people reach them, they feel a sense of accomplishment.

SMART goals urge you to think outside the box and re-think how you are working. Goals have to be challenging and somewhat difficult to motivate.

141. Explain when goals are more effective.

Goals are more effective when there is feedback. The feedback helps indicate the progression to goal accomplishment.

Employees should have the skills, knowledge and abilities to reach their goals.

Employees should be committed to the goals.

Goals should be challenging, not easy, and not extremely difficult.

142. Are there any downsides to goal setting?

Yes, setting goals for specific outcomes may hamper employee performance if those employees lack skills and abilities needed to reach those goals. Therefore, goals should be set for learning, not outcomes, so the learning decreases can be addressed.

Goal setting may prevent employees from adapting and changing their behaviors in response to unforeseen threats. In short, adaptability declines.

Goals tend to focus employee behavior on activities that are measured, and thus people sacrifice other important elements of performance as a single-mindedness develops.

Finally, an aggressive pursuit of goals can lead to unethical behaviors. If rewards are given only for achievement of goals and not for coming close, some employees may do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

143. List the steps of the management by objectives (MBO) approach.

1. Make sure individual goals support team goals and team goals support the company strategy.

2. Specifically, company-wide goals should be derived from corporate strategy.

3.Team and department goals are then determined making sure they derive from the company goals.

4. Individual goals are collaboratively set between the employee and the supervisor that are aligned with the corporate strategy.

5. An action plan is developed.

6. The performance goals are periodically reviewed and revised.

144. How does 360-degree feedback differ from the more traditional form?

360-degree feedback is a system where all sources share, in a confidential manner, feedback on an employee for developmental purposes. These sources include peers, coworkers, supervisors and customers. The traditional feedback system usually involves only supervisors

145. What are the three characteristics of appraisals that increase the perception that they are fair?

Adequate notice involves letting employees know what criteria will be used during the appraisal.

Fair hearing means ensuring that two-way communication occurs during the appraisal process and making certain that the employee’s story is heard.

Judgment based on evidence involves documenting performance problems and using factual evidence as opposed to personal opinions when rating performance.

146. Differentiate between absolute and relative ranking.

Absolute rating is the situation when your performance is rated based upon some objective criteria.

Relative rating is when your rating depends on how your objective performance compares with the rest of the group evaluated.

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