Friday, November 15, 2019

Omar is sitting at his computer writing his organizational behavior term paper using Internet research while he e-mails

Omar is sitting at his computer writing his organizational behavior term paper using Internet research while he e-mails his friends and watches the NFL Thursday night football game. His phone just rang and now he is also talking to his girlfriend. Omar is likely experiencing
a. role conflict.
b. information overload.
c. role ambiguity.
d. role overload.
(b) Medium/Application

61. Research on workplace stressors indicates
a. role conflict is the strongest predictor of poor performance.
b. when role ambiguity is low, new employees have a difficult time fitting into their new organizations.
c. role conflict hurts job performance, but role overload has little impact on job performance.
d. the fragmented fashion in which we work due to information overload impacts mental acuity and creativity.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

62. All of the following are key stressors for Health magazine’s “Ten Most Stressful Jobs” EXCEPT
a. knowledge demands.
b. time demands.
c. emotional demands.
d. physical demands.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

63. Which is the most stressful job in America as noted in a 2008 Health magazine?
a. miner
b. inner city high school teacher
c. police officer
d. judge
(b) Medium/Knowledge

64. Which of the following statements regarding work-family conflict is INCORRECT?
a. Work demands and family demands may be incompatible.
b. Escalating stressors are found where stress in one area of life spills over into other parts of life.
c. Work-family conflict is greater for men than for women.
d. Dual career families have created situations where there is no parent who has sole responsibility for childcare or household duties.
(c) Medium/Analysis

65. Which of the following statements regarding work-family conflict is correct?
a. Work-family conflict increases job and life satisfaction.
b. Organizations that have programs to assist employees in achieving work-family balance accept that these programs will reduce productivity while increasing retention.
c. Recent surveys show that Americans rarely work overtime.
d. Work-family conflict occurs when the demands of work and family negatively impact each other.
(d) Difficult/Comprehension

66. Which of the following statements regarding life changes is INCORRECT?
a. Stress results from negative life changes but not from positive ones.
b. The Holmes-Rahe scale ascribes stress values to life events based upon incidences of illness and death in the 12 months after such events.
c. Stressors are cumulative so the greater number of stressors you experience, the more prone you are to negative consequences of those stressors.
d. Life events can have varying impacts on our health and well-being.
(a) Medium/Evaluation

67. Research on downsizing indicates all of the following to be true about downsizing EXCEPT
a. since 1980, the service industry has accounted for the largest average percentage of firms which downsized five or more percent of their workforces.
b. downsizing and job insecurity are related to greater alcohol use.
c. downsizing leads to other stressful events such as financial insecurity.
d. creativity in the work environment declines significantly during downsizing.
(a) Medium/Evaluation

68. Which of the following statements regarding life stressors is correct?
a. Work-family conflict is slightly greater for men than women.
b. Expectations of future downsizing leads to greater absenteeism in the workplace.
c. Stress results only from negative life events; positive life events increase feelings of satisfaction.
d. Organizations cannot aid employees in dealing with work-family conflicts as any interference from the firm would be seen as an invasion of privacy.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis

69. Which of the following is not a physiological outcome of stress?
a. heart disease
b. immune system suppression
c. skin problems
d. headaches
(a) Easy/Knowledge

70. Which of the following is not an established psychological outcome of stress?
a. emotional problems
b. anxiety
c. phobias
d. depression
(c) Easy/Knowledge

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