Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nick’s roommate is attending a networking event for his business fraternity this weekend

Nick’s roommate is attending a networking event for his business fraternity this weekend. He says, “Nick, you are so good at going up to someone and starting a conversation. You always seem to know what to do and what to say. You never seem awkward and you can talk to anyone about anything. I want to handle this networking event well—give me some tips.”  Nick seems to be very
a. agreeable.
b. conscientious.
c. narcissistic.
d. extraverted.
(d) Medium/Application

51. The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness.
a. conscientiousness
b. agreeableness
c. extraversion
d. openness
(c) Medium/Comprehension

52. Research has found all of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness EXCEPT
a. conscientiousness.
b. agreeableness.
c. extraversion.
d. openness.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis

53. The degree to which a person is at peace with himself and has an overall positive assessment of one’s self worth and capabilities is
a. agreeableness.
b. self-efficacy.
c. self-esteem.
d. integrity.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

54. Martin sent an anonymous memo to various members of his company charging his manager with cheating the employees out of pay bonuses. Martin’s manager seems to lack
a. integrity.
b. agreeableness.
c. extraversion.
d. neuroticism.
(a) Medium/Application

55. Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem and leadership is INCORRECT?
a. Leaders with high self esteem support their subordinates more than leaders with lower self esteem.
b. Research shows a strong relationship between height and being viewed as a leader which may be accounted for by self-esteem.
c. Those with high self esteem have high self confidence which may affect the image perceived by followers.
d. Leaders with high self esteem punish their subordinates less effectively, when such punishment is due, than do leaders with lower self esteem.
(d) Medium/Analysis

56. Which of the following is not a key trait associated with leadership?
a. High conscientiousness
b. High introversion
c. High intelligence
d. High integrity
(b) Medium/Synthesis

57. Which of the following is not a key trait associated with leadership?
a. High integrity
b. High conscientiousness
c. High agreeableness
d. High openness to experience
(c) Medium/Synthesis

58. Which of the following statements regarding traits and leadership is INCORRECT?
a. All traits are equally effective in predicting leadership potential across organizations.
b. In large, bureaucratic organizations, leader traits have less impact on behavior than in a small, entrepreneurial organization.
c. Some traits have a stronger impact on leader emergence than on leader effectiveness.
d. Recognition of leader traits can help select appropriate managers for organizations.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis

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