Thursday, November 14, 2019

Michael defends the new change in company healthcare registration as helping the firm be more efficient. He says

 ____________ organizations are organizations that eliminate traditional barriers between departments as well as barriers between the organization and external environment.

111. A form of boundaryless organization where two or more companies find an area of collaboration and combine their efforts to create a partnership that is beneficial to both parties is a ________ _________.
(strategic alliance)

112. In ________ ________ experimenting, learning new things and reflecting on new knowledge are the norms.
(learning organizations)

113. The most negative reaction to a proposed change attempt is ___________ ___________.
(active resistance)

114. Going along with proposed changes with little enthusiasm is ___________.

115. Michael defends the new change in company healthcare registration as helping the firm be more efficient. He says, “After all, we have healthcare. Let’s learn how to do this since it will help us.” Michael is reacting to the change using the _______ __________ form.
(enthusiastic support)

116. The first stage of Lewin’s process of change model is ___________, which ensures that employees are ready for change.

117. _______ is the final stage of Lewin’s process of change model which ensures that the change becomes permanent.

118. The ________ ____ is used in Japan to build consensus by having proposals signed at lower levels and passed along to higher level management.
(ringi system)


119. What are the four building blocks of a company’s structure?

Centralization, departmentalization, formalization and hierarchical levels.

120. In what type of firms does centralization seem to work best?

Centralization is the concentration of decision making at higher levels in the organization. Centralization works well with organizations that need efficiency in their operations and works especially well in stable environments.

121. Formalization works well in what type of organization?

Formalization works best where explicitly articulated, clearly written rules, procedures, plans and programs are needed. Unionized settings are one such organization where such specificity is needed.

122. Provide an example of an organization that has a functional structure.

A company organized into human resource, finance, manufacturing, marketing and information technology departments would be a functional organization.  Manufacturing firms are often organized in this manner.

123. Give an example of a company that is organized along divisional lines.

A firm organized along divisional lines may be organized based upon the products it produces. For example, a consumer snack food company like Frito-Lay might have its beverage division, its snack foods division, its restaurant division, etc.

124. Compare and contrast mechanistic and organic structures.

Mechanistic structures resemble a bureaucracy and are highly formalized and centralized. Organic structures are flexible and decentralized with low formalization.

125. What is a matrix organization?

A matrix organization is a cross between a functional structure and a product structure. Thus, employees report to department managers and project or team managers. Such an arrangement violates the unity of command principle but is effective in uncertain and dynamic environments.

126. What is a boundaryless organization?

A boundaryless organization is a term coined by GE’s Jack Welch to refer to an organization that has eliminated traditional barriers between departments as well as barriers between the organization and external environment. There are two forms of the boundaryless organization: the modular organization and the strategic alliance.

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