Thursday, November 14, 2019

Marta has been a part-time faculty member at the university for nine years. She has been teaching two to three writing courses a semester

Which of the following is NOT a good piece of advice to give to individuals who have multiple bosses in a matrix structured organization?
a. Make an effort to establish a good relationship with each manager.
b. Keep conflicts you are experiencing to yourself.
c. Make sure all managers are familiar with your overall workload.
d. Do not assume that having multiple bosses is a bad thing.
(b) Medium/Evaluation

60. An organization that eliminates traditional barriers between departments as well as barriers between the organization and the external environment is a
a. matrix organization.
b. functional organization.
c. boundaryless organization.
d. divisional organization.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

61. Learning organizations use all of the following approaches to acquire knowledge that they can use to change behavior EXCEPT
a. conducting formal retrospective meetings.
b. studying customer habits.
c. benchmarking against best industry practices.
d. acquiring a firm to gain its research and development area.
(d) Medium/Evaluation

62. Two or more companies that find an area of collaboration and combine their efforts to create a partnership beneficial to both parties is a
a. strategic alliance.
b. modular organization.
c. matrix organization.
d. learning organization.
(a) Easy/Comprehension

63. An organization where all the nonessential functions are outsourced is a
a. strategic alliance.
b. modular organization.
c. matrix organization.
d. learning organization.
(b) Easy/Comprehension

Section II:  Organizational Change

64. Which of the following statements regarding change is INCORRECT?
a. Organizational change is the movement of an organization from one state of affairs to another.
b. Organizational change takes on limited forms.
c. Organizational change, at its most basic, involves effective people management.
d. Organizational change can be forced or planned.
(b) Medium/Comprehension

65. All of the following are external forces that are creating change for organizations EXCEPT
a. technology.
b. workforce demographics.
c. market conditions.
d. growth of unions.
(d) Easy/Knowledge

66. All of the statements regarding workplace demographics and their impact on change are correct EXCEPT an older workforce
a. that chooses retirement may cause a loss of valuable knowledge for firms.
b. will create a need for new types of benefits.
c. will likely cause flexible work hours and job sharing to diminish as older people like the structure of set hours of work.
d. will create a need to train managers so that they are not using age-related stereotypes in managing those employees.
(c) Medium/Evaluation

67. The practice of outsourcing as a response to the globalization of business has created all of the following changes for organizations EXCEPT a need to
a. retrain the workforce.
b. deal with employee stress.
c. understand how to compete in a global marketplace.
d. restructure employee communication channels.
(d) Medium/Analysis

68. Which of the following statements regarding factors of change in the organization is INCORRECT?
a. Rapid developments in technology force a firm to change its technology to keep up.
b. Manufacturing jobs have been outsourced, but knowledge-based jobs are largely safe from such movement.
c. Though 50% of all small businesses fail, those that succeed often evolve into large, complex organizations over time.
d. Changes in market conditions or the economy may cause companies to change the manner in which they do business.
(b) Difficult/Synthesis

69. Which of the following statements regarding performance and organizational change is INCORRECT?
a. More successful firms find it easier to change than those performing poorly.
b. Nothing fails like success is a fitting saying to describe the relationship between organizational change and performance.
c. Change in upper level management is a motivator for organizational level change.
d. Successful companies often have special practices in place to keep the organization open to change.
(a) Medium/Synthesis

70. The most negative reaction to a proposed change attempt is
a. enthusiastic support.
b. active resistance.
c. passive resistance.
d. compliance.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

71. Andy is vehemently opposed to the restructuring of the jobs in his department in the manufacturing firm. He decides that since no one is listening to what he has to say he will get their attention by damaging each of the parts he is making for tomorrow’s shipment. This is an example of what kind of change reaction?
a. enthusiastic support
b. passive resistance
c. active resistance
d. compliance
(c) Medium/Application

72. Marta has been a part-time faculty member at the university for nine years. She has been teaching two to three writing courses a semester. Last month, the dean held a meeting where he announced that next academic year, part-time instructors would be limited to teaching only two classes during the entire year.  Marta is very upset and tells her husband, “I may look into teaching at the community college next year but don’t let anyone at the university know.” This is an example of what kind of change reaction?
a. passive resistance
b. enthusiastic support
c. compliance
d. active resistance
(a) Medium/Application

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