Thursday, November 14, 2019

In an organization, the union contract is very explicit as to employee work rules, the tasks each individual employee will perform

The lean manufacturing system employs all of the following human resource strategies EXCEPT
a. high bonuses.
b. high investment in training.
c. internal promotions.
d. employment stability.
(a) Medium/Comprehension

39. Which of the following statements regarding Toyota’s structure is INCORRECT?
a. Toyota’s structure facilitates communication among functions.
b. Toyota uses cross-functional module development teams.
c. Toyota’s production system has led it to be structured as a matrix organization.
d. Toyota requires all its employees to be generalists.
(d) Difficult/Evaluation

40. Which of the following statements regarding Toyota’s just-in-time production and suppliers is INCORRECT?
a. Around 75% of the final Toyota vehicle is produced by its suppliers.
b. Long-term relationships are established with Toyota suppliers.
c. Toyota work goes to the lowest bidding supplier.
d. Toyota sends engineers to supplier firms to assess and improve their production processes.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

Section I:  Organizational Structure

41. Organization structure is
a. the degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated at higher levels in the organization.
b. how the individual and team work within an organization is coordinated.
c. the degree to which policies, procedures, job descriptions and rules are written and explicitly articulated.
d. the number of employees reporting to a single manager.
(b) Easy/Knowledge

42. The degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated at higher levels in an organization is
a. formalization
b. centralization
c. hierarchical levels
d. departmentalization
(b) Easy/Knowledge

43. In an organization, the union contract is very explicit as to employee work rules, the tasks each individual employee will perform, the pay each individual will receive, how each individual can move from one position to another and so on.  This organization’s structure is an example of a ____________ structure in the organization.
a. centralized
b. departmentalized
c. hierarchical
d. formalized
(d) Medium/Application

44. _________ is the number of levels an organization has.
a. Hierarchy
b. Departments
c. Structure
d. Centralization
(a) Easy/Knowledge

45. The company is organized into accounting, marketing, human resource management, and production departments. This firm has a
a. divisional structure.
b. functional structure.
c. product structure.
d. matrix structure.
(b) Easy/Application

46. The company was organized into the detergent area, the dishwashing soap area, and the health and beauty aid area. This firm has a
a. divisional structure.
b. functional structure.
c. mechanistic structure.
d. matrix structure.
(a) Easy/Application

47. Centralized organizations
a. tend to have faster, more efficient decision making.
b. attract more job candidates.
c. put less pressure on higher level managers.
d. can lead to large cost savings in purchasing operations.
(d) Medium/Analysis

48. Formalization
a. can lead to greater innovativeness.
b. enhances employee motivation.
c. provides for quicker decision making.
d. makes employee behavior predictable.
(d) Medium/Analysis

49. In which of the following firms is formalization likely to occur?
a. small, local pizza shop
b. advertising agency
c. unionized manufacturing firm
d. nonunion heavy construction firm
(c) Difficult/Synthesis

50. Tall structures provide
a. employees greater levels of role ambiguity.
b. employees with greater self-actualization need satisfaction.
c. employees with greater security need satisfaction.
d. managers with a greater span of control.
(c) Difficult/Evaluation

51. Flat structures
a. have narrow spans of control.
b. provide lower levels of self-actualization than tall structures.
c. provide opportunities for greater role clarity for employees.
d. provide limited advancement opportunities.
(d) Medium/Analysis

52. Functional structures
a. are most effective when an organization has a large number of products.
b. are most effective in dynamic environments.
c. tend to facilitate the effective performance of employees with general mental abilities.
d. are cost-effective structures for the human resource and information technology departments of most companies.
(d) Medium/Analysis

53. Highly formalized and centralized structures similar to bureaucracies are
a. mechanistic structures.
b. organic structures.
c. matrix structures.
d. product structures.
(a) Easy/Knowledge

54. Organic structures
a. are those that resemble a bureaucracy and are highly formalized and centralized.
b. cross a functional structure with a product structure.
c. are flexible and decentralized structures with low levels of formalization where communication lines are more fluid.
d. are how individual and team work within an organization are coordinated.
(c) Easy/Knowledge

55. Mechanistic structures
a. are conducive to entrepreneurial activity and general innovativeness.
b. maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
c. enhance intrinsic motivation on the job.
d. are flexible and react well to change.
(b) Medium/Analysis

56. Organic structures
a. are related to lower job satisfaction.
b. have formal communication channels.
c. maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
d. are conducive to entrepreneurial activity and general innovativeness.
(d) Medium/Analysis

57. All of the following statements regarding the matrix structure are correct EXCEPT
a. The matrix structure increases the frequency of informal communication but decreases the frequency of formal communication.
b. The matrix structure is a response to uncertainty and dynamism in the environment.
c. Matrix structures violate the unity of command principle.
d. Matrix structures require managers to be more interdependent than in traditional structures and thus more of their time must be spent coordinating their work.
(a) Difficult/Synthesis

58. Unity of command is NOT found in what type of organizational structure?
a. functional structure
b. divisional structure
c. boundaryless structure
d. matrix structure
(d) Easy/Comprehension

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