Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Contract law is said to be based on a[n] ___________ theory, meaning that the existence and interpretation of the contract

Contract law is said to be based on a[n] ___________ theory, meaning that the existence and interpretation of the contract is based on the outward manifestations of intent by the parties. 
A. Subjective
B. Objective
C. Interpretive
D. Appearing
E. Unilateral
Contract law is based on an objective theory of contracts, which means we base the existence of a contract on the parties' outward manifestations of intent and we base its interpretation on how a reasonable person would interpret it.

As a general rule, the ________ intent of the parties is not relevant when determining whether a contract exists; rather, what is relevant is how they represented their intent through their actions and words. 
A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Unilateral
D. Comprehensive
E. Considered
The subjective intent of the parties is not usually relevant; what matters is how they represented their intent through their actions and words.

If a _____________ misunderstanding between the parties exists, and as a result of that misunderstanding the parties do not really come to a meeting of the minds, there is no contract. 
A. Mutual
B. Unilateral
C. Comprehensive
D. Subjective
E. Reasonable
If a mutual misunderstanding between the parties exists, and if as a result they did not come to a meeting of the minds, there is no contract.

Which of the following are the two most important sources of contract law? 
A. Case law and the Restatement of Law.
B. Case law and the Uniform Commercial Code.
C. The Uniform Commercial Code and the Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods.
D. Case law and the Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods.
E. The Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods and the Restatement of the Law, Contracts.
The two most important sources of contract law are case law and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Today's law of contracts originated from judicial decisions in ______. 
A. France
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. England
E. Switzerland
Today's law of contracts actually originated in judicial decisions in England, later modified by early courts in the United States.

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