Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Which of the following administers international treaties pertaining to the protection of intellectual property?

Assuming the subject matter of a proposed patent is patentable, which of the following criteria must be satisfied in order for a non-design patent to be granted? 
A. The object of the patent must be novel.
B. The object of the patent must be useful.
C. The object of the patent must be non-obvious.
D. The object of the patent must be both novel and non-obvious.
E. The object of the patent must be novel, useful, and non-obvious.
Assuming the subject matter is patentable, in order for a patent to be granted, the object of the patent must be novel, or new. No one else must have previously made or published the plans for this object. The object must be useful, unless it is a design. It must provide some utility to society. Also, the object must be non-obvious. The invention must not be one that a person of ordinary skill in the trade could have easily discovered.

When a patent is issued for an object, it gives its holder the exclusive right to produce, sell, and use the object of the patent for __________ years from the date of application. 
A. Ten
B. Twenty
C. Thirty
D. Forty
E. Fifty
When a patent is issued for an object, it gives its holder the exclusive right to produce, sell, and use the object of the patent for 20 years from the date of application.

Which of the following is true regarding trade secret protection? 
A. A trade secret is protected from unlawful appropriation by competitors as long as it is kept secret and consists of elements not generally known in the trade.
B. A trade secret is protected from unlawful appropriation by competitors for ten years.
C. A trade secret is protected from unlawful appropriation by competitors for twenty years.
D. A trade secret is protected from unlawful appropriation by competitors for thirty years as long as it is kept secret and consists of elements not generally known in the trade.
E. A trade secret is protected from unlawful appropriation by competitors for seventy years.
A trade secret is protected by the common law from unlawful appropriation by competitors as long as it is kept secret and consists of elements not generally known in the trade.

Which of the following is false regarding trade secret protection? 
A. Competitors may not discover trade secrets by doing reverse engineering.
B. Competitors may discover secrets by going on public tours of plants and observing the use of the trade secret.
C. Lawful discovery of a trade secret means there is no longer a trade secret to be protected.
D. An invention may be considered a trade secret.
E. A design may be considered a trade secret.
Inventions and designs such as Papa John's dough and sauce recipes might be considered trade secrets. Competitors may discover a trade secret by any lawful means, such as by doing reverse engineering or by going on a public plant tour and observing its use. Lawful discovery of a secret means there is no longer a trade secret to be protected.

Which of the following administers international treaties pertaining to the protection of intellectual property? 
A. The United Nations Intellectual Property Association
B. The Federal Intellectual Property Organization
C. The National and World Intellectual Protection Agency
D. The World Intellectual Property Organization
E. There is no organization or agency with that responsibility
The primary international protection for intellectual property is offered through multilateral conventions. These treaties are generally administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations.

Which of the following is the oldest treaty designed to protect artistic rights? 
A. The Universal Copyright Convention of 1952, as revised in 1971
B. The Paris Convention of 1883
C. The 1994 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
D. The Berne Convention of 1886
E. The Geneva Convention of 1860
Eighty-one countries are now signatories of the Berne Convention of 1886, the oldest treaty designed to protect artistic rights.

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