Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Which of the following prohibits slavery and grants everyone the right to free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work

Which of the following prohibits slavery and grants everyone the right to free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work, reasonable limitations on working hours, and compensation adequate to provide for the worker's health and that of his or her family? 
A. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948
B. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
C. The Fair Wage Standard of 2000
D. The Universal Employee Care Act of 1990
E. The International Freedom Act of 2003
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, often referred to as the basis for modern human rights law, prohibits slavery and grants everyone the right to free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work, reasonable limitation of working hours, and compensation adequate to provide for the worker's health that of his or her family.

Which of the following is jurisdiction over a court of persons appearing before it? 
A. Subject matter jurisdiction
B. Individual jurisdiction
C. Personal jurisdiction
D. Litigation jurisdiction
E. Superior jurisdiction
Personal jurisdiction is the power of the court over the persons appearing before it.

____ permits adjudication of any claims against a defendant regardless of whether the claim has anything to do with the forum. 
A. General personal jurisdiction
B. Specific person jurisdiction
C. Local personal jurisdiction
D. International personal jurisdiction
E. Domestic personal jurisdiction
General personal jurisdiction permits adjudication of any claims against a defendant regardless of whether the claim has anything to do with the forum, or location where the claim is filed.

Which of the following is a multilateral convention establishing procedures for transnational discovery between private persons in different states? 
A. Smith Evidence Conventions
B. International Evidence Convention
C. Discovery Convention
D. Hague Evidence Convention
E. NAFTA Evidence Convention
The Hague Evidence Convention, a multilateral convention establishing procedures for transnational discovery between private persons in different states, attempts to resolve such problems, it has been ratified by only 31 states.

Which of the following is an international agreement governing the arbitration of private international disputes that has been ratified by the U.S.? 
A. The Hague Convention
B. The International Arbitration Convention
C. The French Convention
D. The New York Convention
E. The NAFTA Convention
The New York Convention is an international agreement governing the arbitration of private international disputes and has been ratified by 144 states to date, including the United States.

____ is the type of alternative dispute resolution procedure wherein disputes are submitted for resolution to private, non-official persons selected in a manner provided by law or the agreement of the parties. 
A. Mediation
B. Arbitration
C. Neutral evaluation
D. International evaluation
E. Multi-cultural evaluation
Arbitration is a type of alternative dispute resolution whereby disputes are submitted for resolution by private, nonofficial persons selected in a manner provided by law or the agreement of the parties.

Which of the following is true regarding the enforceability of foreign judgments in the United States? 
A. Foreign judgments are entitled to full faith and credit.
B. Foreign judgments are entitled to full faith, but not credit.
C. Foreign judgments are neither entitled to full faith and credit, nor are they evidence of the justice of the plaintiff's claims.
D. Foreign judgments are not entitled to full faith and credit, but are only evidence of the justice of the plaintiff's claims.
E. By statutory law, foreign judgments must be disregarded in the U. S.
Judgments obtained in foreign courts may not be enforceable in other states. For example, in the United States, foreign judgments are not entitled to full faith and credit but are only evidence of the justice of the plaintiff's claims.

Which of the following is true regarding attempts to enforce judgments obtained in the U.S. in other countries? 
A. Courts in many foreign countries may refuse to enforce U.S. civil judgments deemed to be criminal or penal in nature such as taxes and fines.
B. Courts in all other countries enforce U.S. civil judgments just as they would be enforced in this country.
C. Courts in all other countries enforce U.S. civil judgments just as they would be enforced in the U.S. only with respect to criminal matters.
D. Courts in all other countries enforce U.S. judgments just as they would be enforced in the U.S., but only with respect to tax matters.
E. Courts in all other countries enforce U.S. judgments just as they would be enforced in the U.S., but only with respect to awards of punitive damages.
Foreign states may refuse to enforce U.S. civil judgments deemed to be criminal or penal in nature (such as taxes and fines) and awards of punitive damages.

What is the minimum wage per hour in the U.S.? 
A. $7.25
B. $8.30
C. $5.30
D. $6.50
E. $10.00
As of summer 2009, the current minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour.

Which of the following is a doctrine that permits courts to decline to exercise jurisdiction where there is a more convenient forum to hear the case? 
A. Forum non conveniens
B. Abstention
C. Convenience el forum
D. Jurisdictional convenience
E. Absolute privilege
Forum non conveniens is a doctrine that permits courts to decline to exercise jurisdiction where there is a more convenient forum to hear the case.

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